My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1588: That thing about secret love

Chapter 1588: Secret love

Probably because he has been relatively free recently, Ye Qingfeng readily agreed to teach Zhu Xing how to play basketball.

Zhu Yue couldn't wait to encourage her younger brother to help and directly postponed the teaching time to today.

 That night Qingfeng and Zhu Xing came to the basketball court. Zhu Yue had been waiting there early, with clean towels, mineral water and other spare items ready nearby.

Ye Qingfeng only glanced at Zhu Yue when he entered the venue.

He didn't say much, but Zhu Xing greeted his sister, and Zhu Yue waved in response, but her eyes couldn't help but drift to Ye Qingfeng.

Zhu Xing, who knew the reason, couldn't help laughing.

 “Okay, let’s get started.”

Ye Qingfeng didn’t like to waste time. He entered the basketball court with the ball and quickly got into the mood.

I have to say that Ye Qingfeng is a very good teacher.

The first is the explanation of knowledge and skills, and the second is the personal demonstration, and the detailed teaching is in place. Unfortunately, Zhu Xing is really not a basketball player, let alone whether he can master the skills. He said he was tired before even trying twice, and sat down regardless of his image. Rest on the ground.

Zhu Yue, who was sitting in the audience, stared at him with a look of hatred, and Zhu Xing curled his lips helplessly.

It was the athlete from the nearby basketball team who invited Ye Qingfeng.

Ye Qingfeng asked Zhu Xing with his eyes, and Zhu Xing nodded quickly, "Brother, please, please, don't worry about me, I really have no strength, I need to take a rest!"

Zhu Xing panted and walked towards the auditorium. At the same time, Zhu Xing also walked towards him and handed him the towel and water in his hand.

"Zhu Xing, you are so useless. You promised to help me create opportunities."

"You can't blame me, you don't know. I haven't been interested in sports since I was a child. This is where smart people come from." Zhu Xing pointed to his head.

Zhu Yue sighed, patted his shoulder and comforted him, saying, "Thank you for your hard work."

Even though they are not teaching basketball, as long as there is such a reason for Zhu Yue and Ye Qingfeng to meet, it will be done!

 When Ye Qingfeng took a half-time break, Zhu Yue was the first to rush to him, and in the name of his younger brother, he handed the things he had prepared to Ye Qingfeng as a thank you.

Ye Qingfeng was really thirsty, so he took the water from Zhu Yue and unscrewed the bottle cap neatly.

Zhu Yue stared intently at Ye Qingfeng's movements, thinking that he was about to drink the water handed out by her own hand, her heartbeat accelerated, and she was a little nervous.

Just when Ye Qingfeng raised the bottle and brought it about five centimeters to his mouth, a shout came from not far away.

 Ye Qingfeng's movements on his hands suddenly stopped.

The two of them looked back at the same time and saw Nangong Yu trotting towards them in a hurry.

The girl who usually embodies the etiquette in every move rarely behaves like this.

Nangong Yu grabbed Ye Qingfeng's wrist as soon as he arrived.

Zhu Yue, who has sharp eyes, saw her natural movements, and her eyes were so sharp that they turned into needles!

Nangong Yu stepped forward and said something in Ye Qingfeng's ear. Ye Qingfeng frowned slightly and showed a different emotion inadvertently.

Before Zhu Yue could react, Ye Qingfeng had already put the water bottle back into Zhu Yue's hand and apologized to her, "Sorry, please tell Zhu Xing that I have something to deal with, so I'm leaving first."

Just saying those words, before Zhu Yue came to persuade her to stay, Ye Qingfeng and Nangong Yu had already gone a long way.

Zhu Xing rushed over and asked with a confused look on his face.

Zhu Yue looked down at the opened bottle of water in her hand, feeling numb.

 “Obviously it’s just that little bit worse…”

“What is his relationship with that Nangong Yu…”

【I'm sorry that the update has been suspended for a long time due to some private matters in the author's family that are inconvenient to disclose, and they have been dealt with now. This book will continue to be updated and will not be unfinished, so please rest assured. 】



 (End of this chapter)

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