My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1593: Play hard to get

Chapter 1593 Play hard to get

"Is the calculation so accurate?" Ye Zhiruo muttered in a low voice, but did not take the matter to heart.

Nangong Yu just smiled lightly, "That person's gaze is too intense."

  “Can’t you only hold the things you like and care about in your eyes?”

“Insight and my willingness to pay attention are two different things.”


The two of them walked up to the teaching building together. When they reached the turn of the stairs, Zhu Yue came out from behind.

She couldn't help but sigh in her heart, "As expected, we grew up together. We have such a good relationship."

Zhu Yue felt anxious when she thought of Nangong Yu and Ye Qingfeng being childhood sweethearts.

 The right family, the talented man and the beautiful woman are really very enviable.

“Sister, didn’t you promise me to put aside other worries and prepare for the college entrance examination?”

 Zhu Xing suddenly came from behind, startling Zhu Yue.

Zhu Yue turned to look at him, sighed again, and slowly went upstairs.

 The next week, Zhu Yue seemed to "disappear" from their sight.


“Ye Qingfeng, the teacher wants you to go to the office.”


Ye Qingfeng put down the pen in his hand and placed it on the notebook. He stood up and walked out of the classroom calmly.

The deskmate curiously picked up the notebook on his desk and saw that a very difficult problem left by the math teacher in the previous class had already been solved.

Deskmate: "666, Ye Qingfeng has finished the answer to the homework given by the teacher just now!"

 Ye Qingfeng saw Zhu Yue walking out of the office while still in the corridor. The two were supposed to meet, but Zhu Yue turned down the stairs next to the office.

 Ye Qingfeng, who had no unnecessary emotions at first, had a subtle change at this moment.

With his excellent memory, of course he knew Zhu Yue’s class and its location. Zhu Yue should have come towards him and passed him by, but now she deliberately avoided it!

As for "can avoid", this is definitely not something he overthinks, but because he accidentally saw Zhu Yue this week, and he has already discovered that Zhu Yue's little actions are deliberately avoiding him.

 Don’t know the reason.

 The college entrance examination is approaching, and the school has already begun to determine the recommendation. Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo agreed unanimously.

 Since it can be guaranteed in advance, why not?

 Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo chose to go to the same school.

 Zhu Xing asked Ye Qingfeng about his choice, and Ye Qingfeng directly stated the name of the school.

“How is it? How is it! What did Ye Qingfeng say?”

It turned out that Zhu Yue stood next to Zhu Xing and asked him to ask.

Zhu Xing raised his phone so that Zhu Yue could see it clearly.

“Sister, do you really want to go to the same school as Ye Qingfeng? There seems to be only one or two places. What if you...”

 What Zhu Xing was thinking was that if there was only one spot and Ye Qingfeng filled it, Zhu Yue would definitely lose the election.

Zhu Yue shook her head, "It's okay. Recommendation is just a choice. Even if I am not recommended, I can still get in based on my own strength! You have to believe me!"

 The next day, Zhu Yue gave the class teacher an accurate reply.

The head teacher saw the school she had applied for and reminded hesitantly, "Ye Qingfeng from Teacher Xia's class and Ye Zhiruo from Teacher Rong's class also applied for C University. Zhu Yue, as your head teacher for three years, I I know your strength and hard work, but I really suggest you make a different choice this time.”

The head teacher took out the information from another school and handed it to her, "Look at this, it doesn't matter."

Zhu Yue weighed the pieces of paper in her hands and suddenly felt very heavy.

 (End of this chapter)

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