My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1603: He kept what Zhu Yue gave him

Chapter 1603 He kept what Zhu Yue gave him

The secretary knew that Ye Qingfeng was furious about the unicorn ceramics. Now that she saw Zhu Yue holding this thing in her hand, she gave way to her at that time.

Zhu Yue stood in front of Ye Qingfeng's office door, took a deep breath, raised her hand and knocked.

"Come in."

 Getting the answer, Zhu Yue mustered up the courage to take a step forward and appeared in front of Ye Qingfeng.

Ye Qingfeng frowned slightly, "Why are you here?"

 “I want to give you a gift.”



 Zhu Yue handed out the things in his hand as if he were offering a treasure, and looked at Ye Qingfeng expectantly.

 But she did not see a happy expression on Ye Qingfeng's face, but it was a bit intriguing.

Zhu Yue explained to him, "I heard from Arlene that your unicorn was broken, so I made a new one for you. It took a lot of effort to learn it. It may not be perfect, but I hope it can make it better." Be happy."

Zhu Yue's courage increased little by little in front of Ye Qingfeng. Perhaps it was Ye Qingfeng's occasional attitude toward her that was different from others that made her more direct when facing Ye Qingfeng.

After Ye Qingfeng heard Zhu Yue's words, he finally put the things away and said in a low voice: "Thank you."

Other than that, there seemed to be no extra words between the two.

Zhu Yue was also smart and was very happy when he saw him accepting the gift. Then he left on the pretext of work and stopped disturbing him.

 In fact, she kept laughing after leaving Ye Qingfeng's office, feeling like the honey in her heart was about to overflow.

When I meet my colleagues when I go downstairs, I will joke: "Hey Zhuyue, what makes you so happy? It makes you smile."

 “No, no, haha.”

Ye Qingfeng put the ceramics on the table after receiving them. He picked up the file and looked at it twice before putting it down and taking the ceramics out of the box.

He took a closer look and saw that this appearance was not exquisite, but it was the same as the unicorn he and Bei Jiyue made last time. It was not exquisite but real.

 He knew clearly that Zhu Yue had put a lot of thought into it.

Remembering the unicorn that was broken last time, he lifted the ceramic and placed it on the partition of the wall.


After a week of classes, Bei Jiyue finally waited until Friday for the day off.

The driver was waiting outside the school gate. She was about to get in the car as usual, lifting her little feet and putting them down again.

“Uncle Liu, I want to go outside for a while and then go home.”

 “Okay, miss.”

 The driver, Lao Liu, got out of the car and walked behind Bei Jiyue.

Bei Jiyue was carrying a small schoolbag and walking forward step by step, looking a little careless.

It's been five days, and she hasn't looked for Ye Qingfeng, and Ye Qingfeng actually doesn't come to her house to look for her either. This makes Bei Jiyue very frustrated, because Bei Ye always says in her ears, "Wait until he takes the initiative to look for you." , you can go see him.”

Bei Jiyue waited and waited. She was full of expectations at first, but now she feels depressed.

 “Miss, be careful!”

Bei Jiyue was pulled back a few steps. She was shocked and heard the noise in front of her getting louder and louder.

“What’s wrong with you! Can you afford to pay for my clothes being dirty?”

"sorry Sorry."

"I don't care! If you don't pay me today, don't even think about leaving!"

"I'm really not sorry. Miss, let me wash your clothes for you. I'm sorry."

The strange quarrel attracted Bei Jiyue's attention. She walked forward curiously, but was pulled back by the driver.

“Miss, please don’t go there, let’s go around.”

 (End of this chapter)

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