My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1611: first date

Chapter 1611 First Date

The new life in college is always full of vigor and vitality. Military training is scheduled half a month before the semester starts, and there is no class schedule yet. However, when Zhu Yue bought breakfast, she still bought an extra one and sent it to Ye Qingfeng's dormitory downstairs.

Perhaps it was because of God's pity that when Zhu Yue was standing downstairs and touching her mobile phone, she saw Ye Qingfeng walking out of the dormitory door, and the two met unexpectedly.

Zhu Yue asked him about lunch in a subtle way. Ye Qingfeng understood it as soon as he heard it, and then nodded and let Zhu Yue choose his own place.

 “Then do you have any taboos?”

“Don’t use chopped green onion, don’t make it too spicy, don’t add vinegar, everything else is fine.”

 “Great!” Zhu Yue jotted it down happily.

On the morning of the first day of school, Zhu Yue spent almost all her time searching for nearby delicious food. She read the reviews one by one and finally selected a conservative option - spareribs soup.

Looking at the reviews, they say that the pork rib soup in this store is very good. Not only is the soup fragrant, but the portion of pork ribs in the bowl is also very generous. You will never charge a high price for just a little bit of meat.

  After school was over, Zhu Yue quickly rushed out of the school gate and grabbed a seat in the store.

 She was a little nervous thinking that this was the first time the two of them had a date alone for dinner.

The number of people in the store gradually increased, and the night breeze came as promised.

“Here, here!” Zhu Yue waved to him.

 Ye Qingfeng walked straight towards her.

Many people around him were staring at him, some were honest, and some were holding menus to cover their faces, especially the girls.

Zhu Yue is not jealous. She is even a little proud when she thinks that such an outstanding person becomes her boyfriend!

“I ordered the signature pork rib soup in this restaurant. Do you have any other side dishes you want to eat?” Zhu Yue handed the menu to Ye Qingfeng.

After a while, the pork rib soup was served, and the boss brought two bowls and plates with ingredients, one filled with chopped green onions and the other filled with peanuts.

“I remember that you didn’t eat green onions, so you asked the boss to take the dishes alone.”

 Ye Qingfeng doesn't eat, but Zhu Yue likes to add all the ingredients.

 Eating without speaking, Zhu Yue still didn't understand Ye Qingfeng's daily living habits, so she didn't have the nerve to talk to Ye Qingfeng.

Zhu Yue saw a man and a woman at another table. The man picked up food for the girl, and the girl happily scooped soup for the boy. Although this interaction was ordinary, it seemed very sweet.

 Zhu Yue was also in love for the first time. She imitated the girl and wanted to pick up some food for Ye Qingfeng, but Ye Qingfeng declined politely, "You're welcome, just eat well."

 Even if they eat at the same table, they use public chopsticks.

Zhu Yue did not give up. She picked up the spoon and said, "Then let me ladle the soup for you. This soup is really delicious."

"No thanks."

"All right."

 The meal ended calmly, and Ye Qingfeng rushed to pay the bill.

 When it comes to money, Ye Qingfeng is absolutely impeccably generous, which leaves Zhu Yue speechless.

On the way back to school, Zhu Yue kept looking for topics. No matter what the question was, Ye Qingfeng could answer it fluently. Fortunately, the two of them were top students and had a pleasant exchange in academic matters.

Zhu Yue originally wanted to take a walk on the playground to increase the time they spent together, but Ye Qingfeng said she had something to do and sent her downstairs to the dormitory and left without nostalgia.

Zhu Yue stood at the door of the dormitory, reluctant to stare at that figure.

 “Hey, what are you looking at?”

 Zhu Yue was unexpectedly tapped on the shoulder. When she turned around, she saw that it was her roommate.

The roommate joked with a smile on his face: "I just saw a boy walking you back to the dormitory. He has a good height and figure, and he should be good-looking. Is he your boyfriend?"

 (End of this chapter)

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