My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1613: I will go see you without hesitation

Chapter 1613: Going to see you without hesitation

 After getting along for a week, Zhu Yue discovered that Ye Qingfeng was extremely generous in spending money, probably because... he was rich!

However, Zhu Yue is not someone who depends on her boyfriend for a living. If Qingfeng pays the bill for dinner, she will also buy some other things and send them back.

Seeing that it was a two-day weekend, Zhu Yue began to search for the latest movies, planning to have a weekend date with her boyfriend to promote their relationship.

 She read several movie reviews before selecting two films and sent them to Ye Qingfeng to choose from, but Ye Qingfeng told her: "There is military training on the weekend."

 Because the military training lasts for half a month, there will be no holidays between them.

 Zhu Yue sighed.

The ringtone rang in the hand next to her, and Zhu Yue shouted to the people outside the balcony, "Shuangshuang, your phone."

  Roommate Shuangshuang was washing her hair on the balcony, which was inconvenient, so she just said: "Help me find out who it is."

Zhu Yue leaned over and took a look at the note, and replied: "It's your boyfriend."

The roommate Shuangshuang quickly wiped her hands and came in to answer the phone. All she heard in reply was something like "I'll be down soon."

The roommate teased, "Oh, Shuangshuang, your boyfriend is here to see you again."

“Yes, my friend recommended a good restaurant and wanted to take me to eat.”

 “Wow, I’m so envious!”

 Yeah, I’m so envious.

Zhu Yue held the phone and was envious from the bottom of her heart.

 Others’ boyfriends would serve meals warmly and take the initiative to wait for their girlfriends downstairs in the dormitory, but her boyfriend never did.


 The key point is that even if she takes the initiative, it is difficult to invite people out.

Shuangshuang chatted with them while wiping her hair, "Don't be jealous, I told my boyfriend that I will treat you to dinner soon."

 “Oh my God, such a sensible boyfriend makes me feel sour!”

 Another roommate chimed in, “It’s lemon.”

Only Zhu Yue remained silent when someone mentioned her, "Zhu Yue, last time I only saw the back of your boyfriend. When are you going to bring your boyfriend out for everyone to see?"

Zhu Yue explained: "They have been busy with military training recently and have no time."

Shuangshuang suggested, "It's just military training during the day. We can all have dinner together or something."

“Yeah, I’m not asking your boyfriend to treat you. We’re just curious. I heard you are high school students.”

 “Ha, let me ask him.”

 “Okay! I’m waiting for your good news.”

After what her roommate said, Zhu Yue also wanted to treat her boyfriend with her.

 Mainly because doing so felt like declaring sovereignty, which made her feel like this was a great idea!

 But her request to watch a movie was rejected just now, and then she asked for a meal, which made her feel a little embarrassed.

Thinking that Ye Qingfeng was very tired from the recent military training, she postponed the matter for two full weeks.

 Their university has been in session for half a month, and Ye Qingfeng has not had a holiday due to military training.

 Finally, when the military training was over and he could rest for two days, Zhu Yue had already prepared some words and sent a few messages to Ye Qingfeng, but no one responded.

"what happened?"

She waited for about half an hour before calling Ye Qingfeng and heard the man's tired voice.


“Qingfeng, are you sleeping?”

“Well, I was just sleeping in the car for a while.”

“In the car? Didn’t you just finish the military training?”

 “Yeah, I’m almost home.”

Zhu Yue listened carefully and seemed to hear the sound of the car door opening and closing.

Just as she was about to speak, she heard a louder voice on the other end of the phone.

 “Brother Feng! You are finally back!”

 (End of this chapter)

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