My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1627: Who did you like in high school?

 Chapter 1627 Who is the person you like in high school?

Bei Jiyue didn't know what Ye Qingfeng meant by "finding a solution". She only knew that the next morning, Bei Ye awkwardly mentioned traveling.

 “Where are your travel plans?”

 “Here!” Bei Jiyue quickly handed over the small notebook.

Bei Ye pretended to flip through the book seriously and threw the book on the table. "I can give you a few days to test your independence."


 Another unexpected promise, Bei Jiyue reacted and smiled widely.

 She ran to her father and said many kind words, which made him dizzy and said everything she wanted.

 In this way, Bei Jiyue began her first trip away from her parents in her life!

They chose to fly and booked their return train tickets in advance, saying they wanted to experience life seriously.

Their destination is the seaside. The beaches in summer are very beautiful. One problem with choosing a tourist spot with a good reputation is... there are too many people!

 The sea view rooms were already fully booked, so they could only choose nearby hotels.

Bei Jiyue just realized that you couldn’t live in the beautiful rooms you stayed in every time you traveled by paying money.

However, the accommodation is just a place to sleep at night, so it’s okay to make do with it!

After all, it was the free travel she longed for. She made everything beautiful and went to the beach with her friends the next day to play and take photos.

 Choose a good place to camp and have a barbecue on the third night.

 Everyone sat together and talked about high school life.

“Bei Jiyue and I have known each other since we first entered high school. I still remember that she asked me for directions. I didn’t expect that we were in the same class.”

“Yes, yes! And the teacher asked us to choose seats based on our grades. Lan Lan and I had similar grades, so we were chosen together.”

“Hey, by the way, didn’t Lan Lan say that she would confess to the ‘Prince of Basketball’ after the college entrance examination? Why did you give up in the end?”

The title "Prince of Basketball" is given to the most handsome boy in the basketball team in school. He is handsome and is the captain of the basketball team. He is the campus male **** in the hearts of many little girls.

The girl named Lan Lan laughed loudly, "I wanted to confess my feelings at first, but then I found out that the male idol also secretly picked his nose, and suddenly I didn't like it."

Her words made everyone laugh.

 One person said one sentence, and it was very lively.

 “Wait! Listen to me.” One of the short-haired boys suddenly waved his hand to silence everyone.

Everyone’s eyes turned to the short-haired man, and they saw him reaching out and hugging the curly-haired girl next to him, and announced to everyone, "Let me tell you something, Li Qian and I are together!"

 “Wow, when did it happen?”

Bei Jiyue smiled and said "tsk" twice, and said jokingly: "You guys are good at keeping secrets, but you didn't even notice it."

Lan Lan looked at her with disgust, "They have been flirting with each other for a long time, but you didn't notice."

 “Really?” Bei Jiyue scratched her head innocently.

The boy sitting opposite her glanced at her from time to time, but Bei Jiyue never noticed.

 The topic of "people you like" came up for some reason, and they agreed that everyone would tell their true feelings.

“It will be difficult for everyone to meet each other in the future. I’m afraid this trip is just this one. Anyway, I’ve graduated from high school, so let’s talk about what’s on my mind. Do you have anyone you like in high school?”

 Starting from Lan Lan, she is a tomboy, and the only basketball prince she likes is also...disillusioned.

 Let’s talk about the short-cut man and his girlfriend Li Qian. They like each other.

This time it was Bei Jiyue's turn, and she hesitated.

 (End of this chapter)

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