My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 163: Take her to see a doctor

Chapter 163 Take her to see a doctor

 Ye Weiwei stepped on the bench, grabbed Ye Xichen's collar, and was about to get closer.

However, the next second, her feet trembled and stepped on the edge of the bench. The bench was unevenly weighted, and her whole body swayed and she fell back.

Ye Xichen leaned forward and hooked Ye Yiwei's waist with his lightning-fast body. Because there was a bench across the bench, he and Ye Xichen were pulled over... and used as a cushion.

Ye Weiwei took a breath and stared at him nervously with wide eyes.

 “Ouch…” This was a solid fall.

 The pain she felt after she realized it was so painful that she almost burst into tears.

 There was no strange atmosphere, it was just that her small body could not bear the weight and she was almost knocked to the ground.

Ye Xichen turned over and pulled the person up, and asked nervously and concernedly: "Where does it hurt?"

Looking in the direction of the bend of Ye Weiwei's arm, Ye Xichen instantly choked the words he was about to blurt out.

 Where does it hurt?

Ye Youwei put his palms against his chest and frowned tightly, as if he was really miserable.

 “Does it hurt?”

Ye Xichen's eyes were calm and he could not see any other emotions or thoughts.

Ye Weiwei was so thin-skinned that his face turned red. He just turned his back to Ye Xichen and said in a weak voice, "It's not bad."

 It’s just that I couldn’t bear it at the moment of being hit, so I’ll be fine if I take it easy for a while.

I thought this topic should end, but Ye Xichen picked up his hands, leaned back slightly against the wall, and said jokingly: "What are you covering? What can you cover?"

“…” Ye Weiwei suddenly swallowed his breath.

I didn’t expect my brother to see her like this! Do you despise her figure so much?

She raised her chest and raised her head and retorted unconvinced, "I just grow slowly!"

Ye Xichen raised his eyebrows, as if following her words, "Oh, he just grows slowly."

 "Brother! Can you please stop discussing this kind of topic with girls?" Will this make people very shy?

Ye Xichen's bright eyes glanced at her slender forehead and back, a slight smile escaped from the corner of his mouth, and he joked, "It's really sad. Now I just want to grow up. I just care a few words and I can't bear to respond."

Ye Weiwei covered her ears and stamped her feet, "It's not the same thing at all!"

“Okay, I won’t tease you, I have something to deal with in the afternoon, so be good and stay at home to rest.”

“Can’t you take me with you? It’s boring.”

 “If you’re bored, let Nangong Luo take you to play games.” The implication was that he refused to take her with him.

Ye is only clingy, but she still knows the right time.

Since Ye Xichen refused like this, she let go, but when Ye Xichen was about to step out of the door, she chased after him, looked at him eagerly and asked, "Brother Chen, will you have dinner with me?"

Afraid that he would disagree, I even added a special sentence: "I cook it myself!"

"You need rest."

Ye Weiwei raised his chin and narrowed his eyes slightly, "Then you will cook it yourself?"


Ye Xichen patted her head and laughed.

But Ye Ziyi didn't know that Ye Xichen went straight to the hospital after going out.

Gu Chengxi was very efficient and found an authoritative psychiatrist.

Ye Xichen roughly described Ye Weiyi’s situation.

The doctor temporarily made a one-sided judgment, "The patient usually feels guilty and nervous when lying, which is manifested in slow speech or evasive eyes."

“But according to your description, her reaction was natural at that time.”

 “It’s possible that she felt that she… was doing the right thing.”

“However, for a person who has been quiet for a long time, that is definitely not normal!”

“Mr. Ye, I hope to meet the patient in person.”

Guess Brother Chen will ask the doctor to see Xiao Lingdang?

Are you all on holiday today? Why don’t you see anyone holding up their chins? You have three days off for Chinese Valentine’s Day. How about you?



 (End of this chapter)

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