My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1630: He only thinks of you as his sister

Chapter 1630 He only treats you as his sister

“The person you like is Ye Qingfeng, right?”


The secret that had been hidden for so long was revealed to the point, and Bei Jiyue was stunned on the spot!

Xie Yun said quite firmly: "If you don't refute, then you are acquiescing."

At this moment, Bei Jiyue's heart was in confusion.

Such a firm answer, she just didn't want to follow it.

 “Why do you say that!”

Bei Jiyue stared at him with wide eyes, arrogantly unwilling to let others see through her heart.

Bei Jiyue may not know Xie Yun well after being her classmate for three years, but Xie Yun has a good grasp of her character.

Originally, he thought that Bei Jiyue treated everyone the same, and that no boy of the same age could fall in her eyes. But just a few hours ago, Bei Jiyue revealed her thoughts, and that's when he suddenly realized it.

Bei Jiyue doesn’t have people she likes, it’s just that she hides them too deeply, or it’s hard to find them.

Combining the things he knew in the past three years and Bei Jiyue's reaction just now further confirmed his conjecture!

 “Why don’t you admit it?”

"Ben, it didn't happen in the first place. It was you who was talking nonsense. What do I have to admit..." As she said this, she glanced away guiltily.

Xie Yun broke the casserole and asked, "If you don't admit it, are you afraid that your confession will fail, or that you won't even be able to become friends?"

 “We were never friends!”

"Are they brother and sister? You keep calling her brother, but you don't regard him as a brother. Are you afraid that he will really treat you as a sister?"

Xie Yun's repeated questioning annoyed Bei Jiyue, and her expression gradually became cold.

"Xie Yun, my affairs have nothing to do with you. Don't think that just because you are a top student, you can guess other people's thoughts at will." After saying these unkind words, Bei Jiyue turned and left the rooftop.

She fled back to her room and couldn't calm down for a long time.

Sitting quietly on the edge of the bed, Xie Yun's voice echoed in her mind. Each and every sharp question was pierced into her heart, making her feel a little painful just thinking about it.

Picked up the phone and looked through it, hoping to divert attention, but when I opened the sister group chat, there was a high-definition picture, and the person in the picture was Ye Qingfeng.

Bei Jiyue’s mood:…

There are only a few people in this group of sisters, the eldest is Ye Zhiruo, the middle ones are Mo Xiangnuan and Nangong Yu, and the youngest is her.

They formed a private sister group and often talked about some "secrets" that could not be known to adults, but unexpectedly, they happened to bump into Ye Zhiruo and send a photo of Ye Qingfeng!

 She looked through some more records, and there was more than one photo!

Ye Zhiruo said: "Mommy said that our eldest brother is old and it's time to fall in love. I plan to make arrangements for my brother to attract Mommy's attention."

Nangong Yu asked her how she planned to arrange it, and Ye Zhiruo sent several photos and said, "I sent these photos to my single friends. They liked it so much that my brother instantly became a hot commodity!"

Mo Xiangnuan: "Brother is always in demand!"

Ye Zhiruo sent a few more photos, all of them beautiful girls. She said these were some good-looking girls she had screened and asked them to pick the two best-looking ones.

Bei Jiyue watched them chatting silently without daring to speak. She accidentally clicked an emoticon and sent it.

Seeing her bubbling, everyone asked her about her travels.

She briefly talked about it, and Ye Zhiruo took the opportunity to ask: "Xiaoyue'er also wants to choose one. Which of the girls in the photo do you think is more suitable for my brother?"

Bei Jiyue took a deep breath and said slowly: "I think...I..."

  【Bei Jiyue's inner os: I think we are the best match! 】

 (End of this chapter)

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