My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1639: Teach you step by step

Chapter 1639 Teach you step by step

●The business trip was originally expected to last for 3 days, and I didn’t know why Ye Qingfeng wanted to go back in a hurry.

 It only took a day and a half to come and go including negotiating the contract.

“Boss, Director Song’s project…”

 “You follow up on this project personally, I have other things to do.”

 After Ye Qingfeng returned to the company, he roughly handed over the project and left in a hurry.


Central Academy of Fine Arts.

During lunch break, Bei Jiyue stayed alone in the classroom to design this issue’s poster.

“It seems like it’s time to change the wall paintings.”

 The Propaganda Department almost relies on her alone. She has too many things to think about now, and her head is overwhelmed.

 Suddenly I remembered to find a design drawing and flipped through a pile of design paper.

 After searching for a long time, I still couldn't find what I wanted, and I felt a little irritable for no reason.

 Accidentally, the design drawings were scattered on the ground.

Bei Jiyue rubbed his head and lowered his head to pick it up.

A dark shadow came over me.

Someone picked up her drawing paper first and handed it to her. "The thing fell."

That voice…

 Why is it so familiar?

She won’t be hearing hallucinations anymore...

 “Xiao Yue’er, it’s been a month since I’ve seen you.”


 She didn’t have any auditory hallucinations, that person was really here!

 “Brother Qingfeng!”

 She threw herself into the arms of Ye Qingfeng with excitement, her face full of joy and her heart full of joy.

There are no words to describe her mood at this moment!

“Brother Qingfeng, why are you here?”

 “I felt like my little Yue’er was in trouble, so I came here.”

When Da Cong saw Ye Qingfeng, Bei Jiyue's heart was fixed on him, so how could he think of drawing a design.

Just to keep him, Bei Jiyue used the picture as an excuse to beg him to help me take a look, "Brother Qingfeng, look at my picture. I always feel that something is missing. How about you help me take a look?"


Ye Qingfeng is not a professional in this field, but he has been exposed to everything and has a strong appreciation ability.

 As an appreciator, Bei Jiyue began to correct the flaws wherever he pointed them out.

 “This line, here…”

  There was a feeling that could only be understood but not expressed in words. Ye Qingfeng directly held her hand and put the pen down somewhere.

 “Look at this place.”


Ye Qingfeng was making suggestions seriously, but the person involved was already dizzy.

 The distance was so close that the top of the head almost touched his ears.

 He has a very nice fragrance, which she has always liked.

 It’s a heart-pounding feeling.

The two of them were a little distracted, so much so that they didn't even notice that someone was hiding by the window and taking photos of them.

Lai Xixi took a picture of the scene in the classroom, holding her cell phone and smiling proudly.

Those people have always regarded Bei Jiyue as a goddess, isn't it because she is good-looking and single? Let everyone know that she is so close to a man in the classroom, it will definitely be very lively!

Lai Xixi immediately posted the photo to the school forum without even thinking about it.

 Sure enough, the post tagged "Bei Jiyue" quickly became popular.

Because of the window glass and the angle, everyone couldn't see clearly the appearance of the male protagonist in the photo, but they often paid attention to Bei Jiyue, and they could identify him at a glance.

ID Pickled Radish: Who the **** are you so close to my goddess!

ID Gujigujidadada: Where is your face? I want to see the face!

  ID Pineapple loves to eat honey: I have no shame in making negative comments.

Bei Jiyue’s roommate saw it and quickly sent her a QQ message: Sister, I’m here to see you!

 The final article of Chinese Valentine's Day "My Bamboo Horse is Super Handsome"

And the new book "Little Cutie You Are Arrested" about the heroine and the male protagonist flirting with each other online has been released. Check in every day and you will be rewarded with red envelopes~

 (End of this chapter)

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