My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1644: See you again Zhu Yue

Chapter 1644 See Zhu Yue again

 “You will suffer a loss.” Fang Hansheng seemed to look down on her.

 “If you don’t have confidence in yourself, how can you succeed?”

Bei Jiyue rolled her eyes at him and was no longer willing to talk to him.

Bei Jiyue devoted herself wholeheartedly to this design, even when Ye Qingfeng asked her to have dinner, she reluctantly refused.

“Brother Qingfeng, I’ve been very busy recently.”

 “What are you busy with?”

 “It’s just a design draft.”

 “You still won’t tell me where to intern? Huh?”

 “I won’t tell you, you can’t check it out!”


 Hearing the girl's cute voice on the phone, the smile on Ye Qingfeng's face never dimmed.

Bei Jiyue made an agreement with him when she was an intern, asking him to promise not to investigate the place where she interned. If he agreed, he would not investigate.

 He was willing to wait until the little girl told him herself.

  What the two of them didn’t expect was that the little girl’s design draft had already been delivered to his desk without him checking it.

 Because the company was particularly interested in this cooperation, even the design draft was submitted for Ye Qingfeng to personally review.

 He flipped through the pages briefly, and at a glance identified Bei Jiyue's picture from dozens of design drafts.

Everyone has a unique painting style, and he is extremely familiar with Bei Jiyue's style.

Although the selection mode was anonymous this time, Ye Qingfeng accurately extracted Bei Jiyue's drawings.

Bei Jiyue was naturally selected.

Of course, this was not a random choice by Ye Qingfeng. After he saw it, the director of the design department was personally responsible. After all, he was a professional.

 The result is still the same, Bei Jiyue was selected, along with seniors from two other companies.

  When the shortlist was announced, everyone looked at Bei Jiyue in surprise.

 It is not unusual for an old person from the company to be selected. What is worth mentioning is this intern.

 “You are really excellent.” The director of the design department at Laila Na gave Bei Jiyue such high praise.

Fang Hansheng regretted extremely, "If I had known I should have tried it, then I would have been the one selected!"

 Hearing Fang Hansheng's conceited words, Bei Jiyue was really speechless. I don’t know where he got such confidence to stand out. Even she did it with the mentality of trying hard.

 Of course she is happy if she is chosen, but if not, she will not regret it.

Ye's Group has never cooperated with Coco Company, which is about to negotiate a contract, and they are temporarily unclear about the other party's ideal style, so they made three plans based on the three-point design drawing.

On the day of meeting with Coco Company, Ye Qingfeng offered to take three design draft candidates with him.

This was the first time Bei Jiyue stood in front of Ye Qingfeng as an intern, and Ye Qingfeng's eyes naturally stayed on her for a few seconds longer.

“You are all the best designers in the company. Whether you can be selected by Coco Company depends entirely on your internship. I wish you success!”

 “Thank you nightclub!”

Bei Jiyue echoed her thanks. She stood behind, looking at Ye Qingfeng's back and snickering in her heart.

 She thought: This man is so charming!

 In the past, she could hold Ye Qingfeng's hand and walk beside him or in front of him.

 But this time, when she walked behind Ye Qingfeng, the distance was one meter away, but she felt that she was just side by side with Ye Qingfeng!

Bei Jiyue is looking forward to meeting coco’s collaborators with enthusiasm and hopes that her work will be selected.

 She never expected that she would see the person who pierced a thorn in her young memory today!

“Hello everyone, I am the person in charge of this project of Coco Company—Zhu Yue!”

 (End of this chapter)

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