My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1647: Don't deny our past

 Chapter 1647 Don’t deny our past

“Zhu Yue only represents the past, but now it’s you who is by Brother Qingfeng’s side.”

Bei Jiyue shook his head, "Even in the past, that was his preference, and when I was around him, I could only use my sister's identity as a cover-up."

 “You have to have confidence in yourself.”

“I, Bei Jiyue, am born with pride, but this is the only thing I can’t control, as you know, sister Yu.”


 She knows.

  Everyone understands this tacitly, but how can Bei Jiyue hide his thoughts?

They always felt that Ye Qingfeng could see it, but Ye Qingfeng didn't take the initiative to expose anything, and they didn't dare to speak casually.

 After waiting for so many years, there is still no result.

“Then do you dare to confess your feelings?”

“…” Bei Jiyue lowered her head and pointed her fingers, “I don’t dare.”

 She is cowardly.

   It’s really cowardly.

 After saying this, all good things may be subverted.

“Sister Yu, I really, I really worked hard to get closer to him. The remaining year is my best chance, but why does that person show up?”

 Originally, she had already thought about it.

 This year, her age, knowledge, and independence are all good enough.

 But Zhu Yue appeared!

 “Is all this destined by God?”

“Don’t think wildly. Nothing in this world is destined. As long as you work hard, the outcome of many things will change.”

Nangong Yu took her hand and turned her face to face him.

Nangong Yu asked her, "Why do you think you can't compare to Zhu Yue? If Zhu Yue was good enough, Brother Qingfeng wouldn't be separated from her, right?"

"Since they separated in the first place, it means they are not suitable."

“For so many years, there has been no one else around Brother Qingfeng, you are his exception!”

Nangong Yu's three words fell into her ears, making her feel much better.


On the other side, Ye Qingfeng was indeed having dinner with Zhu Yue, but she was not the only one.

 Ye Qingfeng brought his assistant, and Zhu Yue also had other coco managers.

 Their meal was to discuss business matters and not to involve any personal issues.

 After dinner, they came out of the hotel and found that it had started raining outside.

 Ye Qingfeng’s assistant sent away another coco manager who had drunk alcohol.

 Ye Qingfeng and Zhu Yue are left.


“Qingfeng, we haven’t seen each other for so many years, why don’t we find a place to sit down and chat?” Zhu Yue’s invitation was generous and her smile was decent.

Ye Qingfeng said seriously, "About the cooperation, I have just made it clear to Miss Zhu and other people in charge of Coco. It seems that there is nothing else to talk about."

Zhu Yue smiled and said, "No, after all, we were once boyfriend and girlfriend. Do you want to deny our past like this?"

 Ye Qingfeng did not answer.

Zhu Yue asked again: "Are you afraid of being alone with me?"

Ye Qingfeng had a faint smile on his lips, Feng Qingyun shook his head calmly: "The method of stimulating generals is useless to me."

 What a coincidence, this scene fell into the eyes of a caring person.

Bei Jiyue never expected that she was so "good" in luck.

Nangong Yu stayed with her for two hours. He had to leave due to work reasons. She had no interest in staying, so she sent Nangong Yu out for a ride.

I really didn’t expect to see Ye Qingfeng and Zhu Yue standing together in the restaurant opposite.

 The two were talking and laughing, and seemed to be having a good time.

Bei Jiyue felt as if a ladle of cold water had been poured on her heart.

 (End of this chapter)

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