My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1655: Ye Qingfeng was fined to stand QAQ

Chapter 1655 Ye Qingfeng was fined to stand QAQ

Mo Xiangnuan immediately contacted Ye Qingfeng, but...

“Mommy, my brother’s phone number can’t be reached.”

 “I’ll fight it myself!”

 Several phone calls went unanswered.

 About half an hour later, Ye Qingfeng called them back.

Ye Weiwei didn’t say anything more to him and just told him to go home for dinner tomorrow.

Ye Qingfeng is considered a filial son. When his mother personally gives orders, he naturally nods and responds.

“Mr. Ye, can you show this flower here?”


 Ye Qingfeng then remembered that he had been busy all night.

 He sent a message to Bei Jiyue and did not return home until three in the morning.

 The whole person was in a state of exhaustion. He only saw that the lights in the house were all out, so he went directly upstairs.

By the time he saw the note left by Bei Jiyue, it was already the next day.

 “Brother Qingfeng, I’m home.”

Thinking of the two parents of the Bei family who wanted to take their daughter into their hands, Ye Qingfeng smiled and put the note away without thinking much about it.

 According to Ye Weiwei's order, Ye Qingfeng went back to Ye's house directly after getting some sleep.

Originally, he thought that what awaited him would be a warm hug from his mother and some cute words from his well-behaved sister. Unexpectedly... he was greeted by a cold face.


From the moment he entered the room until now, Ye Weiwei has never smiled at him.

Ye Qingfeng was a little frightened because it was rare to see Ye Weiwei's expression. Thinking about it, he didn't seem to make any mistakes recently. I wonder what happened?

 “Mommy, I’m back.”

 “Well, go and stand at the door.”

 Ye Qingfeng: “???”

 Finally speaking, he was forced to stand?

Even the extremely intelligent Ye Qingfeng could not figure out the meaning.

"Mommy...what happened?" he asked seriously.

Ye Weiwei slowly peeled the melon seeds and waved her hand to him, meaning to tell him to stand at the door and stop talking.

Ye Qingfeng touched her nose angrily and went to stand at the door.

If outsiders were to see this scene, I'm afraid it would make headlines again!

The man who was hailed as a legend in the business world and sought after by many people has actually been reduced to standing in front of his own house without daring to say a word!

About half an hour later, Ye Yiyi was about to doze off while peeling melon seeds, so he stood up and stretched.

 She waved to Ye Qingfeng, and then called her son over to sit down.

"come on."

 Ye Qingfeng is not tired, but he just doesn’t understand the meaning.

“Mommy, what happened? Or did my son make a mistake somewhere?”

"you are right."

Facing the calm Ye Weiyi, Ye Qingfeng almost lost his ability to smile.

 That's right. Why are you still asking me to stand?

 “I heard that you have made your relationship public.”

 “Who did you listen to? You may have misunderstood.”

“This is what is written on Weibo.”

 Ye Qingfeng felt confused.

He knew that the news he broke would arouse everyone's discussion, but he was busy yesterday and had no time to care about it, because he was implementing an extremely important plan!

“Mommy, the news on the Internet is 30% true and 70% false, so just listen to it.”

“But what you said about ‘waiting for a girl’ is true, right?”

  “Not false.”

“Then you still say no!” Ye Weiwei stood up excitedly.

Ye Qingfeng hurriedly helped her sit down, "Mommy, don't be excited. Haven't you always hoped that I could find a suitable relationship? Why are you so angry after I said a word?"

"Can I not be angry? When you separated from that Zhu Yue, you didn't say a word for so many years, and you confessed your love to others when you came back?"

  【The author has something to say】

Ring our little bell like crazy



 (End of this chapter)

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