My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1669: That night half a year ago

Chapter 1669 That night half a year ago

"don't want!"

Nangong Yu sat up suddenly, her head was dizzy. She pressed her forehead and her thoughts were gradually brought back to reality.

 She had another nightmare.

 The sky outside the window was bright and it was still early, but she couldn't sleep.

 She has been in this state for a long time.

   When did it start?

  Probably...from the day she and Huo Yanxi really got entangled...

half year ago.

 At the high-level meeting of Nangong Group.

“General Manager, this time Huo’s Enterprise wants to select a company with stable development as a long-term partner. Our company must strive for such a good opportunity!”

Nangong Yu quickly browsed through the information about Huo's enterprise and made the most favorable decision, "Well, I have already read their requirements. They are mainly looking for industrial cooperation related to jewelry this time. Our company has focused on jewelry in recent years. The design should meet their requirements. Let’s work hard this time and make a plan as soon as possible.”

Huo's Enterprise is a multinational enterprise. If we can cooperate with Huo's company for a long time, we can not only earn huge profits, but also make the name of the Nangong family famous.

Nangong Yu has been sitting in the position of general manager for so many years and has made many good achievements and won praise from everyone, but there are always one or two old people who have objections to her identity as a woman.

If she can succeed this time, then she will have peace of mind in Nangong Group!

Nangong Yu attaches great importance to this cooperation.

 Many companies were keeping an eye on Huo Yansi. When they heard about his return to China, they all sent their men to guard the airport!

I didn’t expect that he was flying on a private plane, and no one knew when he would land.

Nangong Yu drank two glasses of wine with his client that day, but his head was still clear.

Thinking that it was not far from the apartment, she planned to walk back to get rid of the smell of alcohol.

Unexpectedly, a homeless man smelling of alcohol would appear halfway. She was so frightened that she fell between the horses when she ran away.

 A strong headlight shone over him, and the car suddenly stopped fifty centimeters away from him.

Nangong Yu was still in shock, but the drunken tramp caught up with him.

 She couldn't run fast in high heels, so she had no choice but to place her hope on the car owner in front of her.

 Because her father, Nangong Luo, is obsessed with cars, she has heard about almost all vehicles. She can tell at a glance that the car is a global limited edition, and the people in the car are either rich or noble.

So she ran and knocked on the car door.

 The driver opened half of the car window, and Nangong Yu hurriedly asked the driver for help.

 But the driver was in a dilemma, "Sorry, miss, I can call the police for you, but I can't let you get in the car."

Seeing that the homeless man was about to catch up, Nangong Yu took off his high heels and yanked them backwards. He hit the homeless man in the face, causing him to sit on the ground in pain.

At this time, she heard an intriguing voice in the car, "Interesting."

Before she had time to think about it, she heard the driver say: "Miss, please get in the car."

 As someone helped her, she naturally got into the car without hesitation.

  I remember glancing at the car purchase list from her father Nangong Luo before. Besides her father, there were four other people, all of whom were wealthy, so she dared to get into a stranger's car.

Nangong Yu was sitting in the passenger seat because the husband the driver mentioned was sitting in the back seat.

 There were no lights on in the car, so it was a little dark.

 She glanced back, but couldn't see the gentleman's face clearly.

 It was just that voice that lingered in her ears for a long time.

 (End of this chapter)

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