My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1671: Crash into Huo Yanxi's arms

Chapter 1671: Running into Huo Yanxi’s arms

Huo Yanxi’s assistant finished sorting out the information and saw that she was still there, so he chased after her: "Miss Nangong? Do you have anything else to do?"

Nangong Yu smiled and shook his head, "It's okay, I have to wait for someone."

 “Okay, then I’ll take the first step.”


 When everyone was gone, Nangong Yu slowly stood up.

 The situation is not good...because she seems to be having her period.

Knowing that these two days are menstruation days, she also has pads in her bag, but she was so busy with cooperation matters that she forgot to prepare in advance, so...

 In short, all the calmness she had just now was just fake.

Only when the people were gone did she have the nerve to go to the toilet.

Nangong Yu looked for his destination in the corridor after coming out of the toilet.

 She knew that there was an independent lounge on each floor here, and almost no one came to the memory floor where she was.

 She planned to take a rest in the conference room on this floor, and by the way, she had to wait for her assistant to deliver her a new set of clothes.

As soon as I opened the door and walked in, I heard a strange sound.

 She just walked inside and took a look inadvertently, and saw an... indescribable scene.

 A woman with half-dressed clothes and a man in a suit...

 “Yes, I’m sorry!”

Nangong Yu's face turned red with embarrassment, and he left in a hurry without even seeing the person clearly.

 She stepped on high heels in the corridor, and the clear sound struck her heart.

She, Nangong Yu, is smart and brave and has seen the world, but she has never seen such a scene that makes people blush and make her heart beat, which really makes her ashamed.

 She wanted to leave this place quickly.

 But because the floor is too high, the elevator has just gone down, and it will take a while to wait for the elevator to come up.

 She stamped her feet anxiously.


Finally, she waited until the elevators opened. As soon as she stepped in, when the elevator door was about to close, a strange man broke in.

The man has a majestic appearance and a good-looking appearance, and he looks somewhat familiar.

When the man's eyes fell on her face, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and there was a sharp light in his black eyes.

It is not difficult to guess that this person is one of the protagonists she met in the lounge just now.

Nangong Yu was beating her drum in her heart, hoping to get downstairs quickly.

At this moment, the assistant called to look for her. She held the phone as if grasping a life-saving straw. Finally, she didn't have to be so embarrassed.

 She always had to change her clothes before going out.


The elevator door opened again, and Nangong Yu seemed to be relieved.

 But the moment she stepped out of the elevator door, the smile on her face froze.

 Why are there so many reporters here?

Nangong Yu’s external image has always been elegant and generous. If she usually faced reporters, she could be calm and composed, but now she is afraid that others will take pictures of her behind her skirt. If she was photographed and made headlines, she would definitely be embarrassed to death!

At this moment, Nangong Yu decided to get back into the elevator.

 But the man inside also walked out. As soon as she stepped back, she was caught off guard and ran into the man's arms.

The camera lights in front of me are flashing.

Nangong Yu was shocked when he vaguely heard someone in the crowd shouting "Mr. Huo"!

She finally remembered why this person looked familiar. Isn't it Huo Yanxi who has been so popular these days?

 Because most of the previous photos were from the side, she didn’t recognize her from the front at first glance.

 Now that everything is put together, Nangong Yu really wants to find a hole in the ground to crawl into.

 She would very much like to see Huo Yanxi, but definitely not on such an occasion!

 “How long do you want to hang on to me?”

 (End of this chapter)

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