My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1679: first dance

 Chapter 1679 The First Dance

At the banquet hosted by the Huo family, Huo Yanxi will of course start the first dance.

 Everyone on the scene saw that he did not bring a female companion today, and they still had some small expectations in their hearts. Girls of the right age were looking forward to being invited by Huo Yanxi, and some men who came specially to visit their relatives also hoped that their daughters or juniors could be selected.

But Huo Yanxi wants to play a game with them. Someone will control the lights at will. Whoever the light falls on the head will be the luckiest girl tonight.

 The game started, and everyone’s eyes followed the movement of the light.

 From left to right, without stopping.

Until Huo Yanxi, who had his back to the stage, shouted "stop", the light was fixed and evenly illuminated Nangong Yu's whole body.

Hearing the sighs in the venue, Huo Yanxi, who had his back to the stage, raised a meaningful smile at the corner of his mouth.

 Everything is under his control.

 Then, everyone saw the proud man turn around and walk toward Nangong Yu delicately.

 Huo Yanxi, who was wearing a crisp black suit, stood next to Nangong Yu, who was wearing an elegant dress. Their appearance and temperament were inexplicably matched.

Huo Yanxi stretched out his hand to her, but Nangong Yu could only accept it.

Obviously it was their first time dancing together, but they seemed to have a perfect understanding, without any mistakes.

Huo Yanxi hugged her slender waist and praised, "You dance well."


Huo Yanxi’s faint gaze fell on her face, and Nangong Yu noticed it.

 She just inadvertently raised her eyes and met Huo Yanxi's deep black eyes. With such a handsome face that made people and gods angry, it was indeed very attractive, and her heart beat faster unconsciously.

Nangong Yu looked away guiltily, feeling annoyed in his heart.

 What was she doing just now? He actually became a nymphomaniac towards Huo Yanxi!

Even though it only lasted a few seconds, this was a "mistake" she had never made in her life. She had seen all kinds of people, so how could she be shy because of one face.

Nangong Yu was preoccupied with two things. He couldn't keep up with his dance steps and stepped on Huo Yanxi's feet.

 When she got close to Huo Yanxi, she quickly apologized to him in a voice that the two of them could hear, "I'm sorry!"

But I heard Huo Yanxi chuckle lightly, "It doesn't matter, I'm very happy."

 “Huh?” She was a little confused.

As the music was coming to an end, Huo Yanxi brought her over with a strong hand, and the two of them leaned closely together.

"I'm glad you were distracted by me." A low, magnetic voice spread in her ears, which was uniquely alluring.

 After the dance, the audience burst into applause.

Nangong Yu kept the surface calm and quickly escaped from Huo Yanxi.

 When she came off the stage, the first person she wanted to look for was naturally Ye Qingfeng.

 Ye Qingfeng also appeared beside her in time.

 “Yu’er, you just...”

 “Brother Qingfeng, I’m a little flustered.”

"Drink some water first." Ye Qingfeng handed her the warm water he had just prepared.

Nangong Yu drank a whole cup directly, and then his mood slowly returned to calm.

"How are you?"

 “I’m fine.”

 “That man seems to be interested in you.”

Ye Qingfeng put it bluntly, men always know a little more about men.

Nangong Yu nodded. After recent events, she could see it even if she was stupid.

 It is true that I am interested, but how sincere it is is hard to say!

“The dance has started, Xiao Yu’er will dance with her brother for the second dance.”

 As an older brother, he always has to protect his younger sister.

 (End of this chapter)

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