My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1682: Pack your bags and run away!

Chapter 1682: Pack your bags and run away!

Nangong Yu took a deep breath and sighed: "...You are really rich."

"Oh? Rich? Angry?" Huo Yanxi chewed on words and deliberately repeated the four words in front of her.

Bei Jiyue didn’t respond at first. You can see the evil smile on his face, which made him feel that it was not simple.

 She thought about it and thought about it again, and suddenly she understood something!

This man is actually telling her dirty words?

Nangong Yu is not used to quarreling with others, and he is not very good at quarreling with others.

 She quickly adjusted her temper and tried to speak in a steady voice, "Mr. Huo, it's getting late. Go to bed early."

"I'm already here, why don't you invite me in for a cup of tea?" Huo Yanxi stood there leisurely with his arms folded, as if he didn't intend to leave.

Nangong Yu had a professional fake smile on his face, "I'm afraid you may not be able to sleep at night if you drink too much tea."

Huo Yanxi said nonchalantly: "You don't have to worry about this. You can fall asleep when it's time to sleep."

"Mr. Huo, there are differences between men and women. It is really inconvenient this late at night. I will treat you next time I have a chance and treat you well."

How could she be stupid enough to let Huo Yanxi into the house? Isn't that the same as letting a wolf into the little white rabbit's nest with her own hands?

 Bah, bah!

Although she is not a little white rabbit, Huo Yanxi is more terrifying than a wolf, and she has to hide!

Huo Yanxi saw her guarded eyes and knew not to push her too hard, so she nodded and turned away first.

 Because he knew that if he didn't leave, Nangong Yu would never open the door anyway.

You must be on guard against him, but are you afraid that he will forcefully break into someone's house?

 Don’t tell me, he can really do it!

 When Nangong Yu saw that Huo Yanxi had really left, he quickly ran back to his apartment and locked her up.

 She packed her luggage overnight and contacted Bei Jiyue directly about traveling.

Bei Jiyue couldn't be happier when she heard that she wanted to go out together to relax, so she agreed immediately.

Nangong Yu also took this as a reason to go to Bei's house with his luggage for two days.

 Two days later, she happily embarked on a journey with Bei Jiyue.

“Sister Yu, it’s great that you can come out with me this time!”

 “Are you so happy?”

“Yes, Brother Qingfeng originally said that he would find someone to watch me, but with Sister Yu accompanying me, Brother Qingfeng promised not to let anyone follow me.”

 “He is worried about you.”

 “I know, hee hee.”

Sitting on the plane, looking at the beautiful clouds, Bei Jiyue took out a small drawing book and quietly drew this scene.

Nangong Yu turned his head and looked at the innocent and happy little girl sitting next to him, feeling soft in his heart.

Bei Jiyue is the kind of person who makes people feel protective of her at just one glance!

Bei Jiyue has had a smooth life since childhood. The only obstacle she encountered was Ye Qingfeng.

 “Look, the painting is done and I’ll give it to you.”

Just when Nangong Yu was lost in thought, Bei Jiyue handed her a small drawing paper. There was a very simple picture of clouds on it, but it was inexplicably cute.

“Sister Yu, I’m a little sleepy, I’m going to bed first.”

 “Okay, sleep peacefully.”

Bei Jiyue squinted her eyes after finishing speaking.

Nangong Yu put the cloud picture away and sat there quietly. It didn't take long for him to feel sleepy.

She squinted her eyes and fell asleep for a while. Next to her, Bei Jiyue's head rested on her shoulder, causing her to wake up suddenly.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the strange behavior of the person next door, who seemed to hide for a moment when she opened her eyes.

Nangong held Bei Jiyue's head on his shoulder and pretended to close his eyes.

 (End of this chapter)

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