My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1686: Why are you blushing?

Chapter 1686 Why are you blushing?

“Miss Nangong, you are getting bolder and bolder.”

No one dared to mock him like that in front of Huo Yanxi!

 “No one dares to say that in front of me.”

 “Then I’m honored, there is a first time for everything.”

"Really, I can still create many firsts for you~" As she spoke, Huo Yanxi's eyes swept over her body.

Nangong Yu was stunned for a moment, and then realized the profound meaning of these words!

"Huo Yanxi, you are so awesome!" She wanted to curse, but she couldn't. She was so angry.

 “Don’t be angry, have a cup of tea to calm down.”

Huo Yanxi handed her a cup of tea, and Nangong Yu took a sip. It tasted... awful!

 “This tea…” As a tea taster, she really couldn’t drink it.

 But as a well-rested lady, she would not say anything bad in front of Huo Yansi.

“This tea seems to be a little cold, please leave it alone.”

"Is it cold?" Huo Yanxi frowned, took the tea cup from her hand and took a sip.

 “Hey!” It was too late for Nangong Yu to stop him.

She looked at Huo Yanxi's behavior in surprise, her lips and teeth trembling.

He heard Huo Yanxi frown and say, "Isn't it still hot?"

Nangong Yu’s mind at the moment is no longer on the tea, but on the place where Huo Yanxi drank the tea.

This, isn't this equivalent to indirect kissing!

 “Why are you blushing?”

“Hot, hot.” ​​Nangong Yu glanced away guiltily, suppressing his beating heart at that moment.

Huo Yanxi looked up and looked at the air conditioner temperature. It was 24 degrees, which was not hot at all.

 Thinking about what happened just now, he suddenly understood.

“Oh? Miss Nangong, aren’t you being shy?”

 “Mr. Huo thinks too much.”

“Since Miss Nangong said the tea is cold, why not make another cup?”

Nangong Yu looked in the direction of Huo Yanxi's fingers and found that there were enough tea-making tools on the coffee table.

There is still some water spilled on the tray. Wasn't Huo Yanxi the one who made the tea just now?

“Mr. Huo, can you tell me who made the cup of tea just now?”

When Huo Yanxi heard this question, a trace of discomfort flashed in his eyes, but he said with a serious expression: "I don't know."

Seeing his reaction, Nangong Yu was sure that he must have made that cup of tea!

I didn’t expect that the all-powerful business tycoon would actually...

She thought and couldn't help but let out a faint laugh.

Huo Yanxi frowned.

As if there were signs of falling out, Nangong Yu approached the coffee table with a smile, making tea while slowly telling the details of the process.

“You should use a hot pot to make tea, which will help evaporate the aroma of the tea…”

After putting the tea leaves into the tea lotus, she handed the tea lotus to Huo Yanxi, "Look at these tea leaves."

 After that, she used a teaspoon to transfer the tea leaves in the tea lotion into the pot. The amount of tea was one-third of the pot.

“After brewing the tea soup, you can pour the tea into the tea. Pay attention to the distance between the spout of the teapot and the tea...

Her voice was soft, and she was very enjoyable to listen to.

Huo Yanxi gradually fell into a trance.

He felt that this woman had a kind of magic power. No matter where he was, as long as he stayed with her and listened to her speaking softly, it would be as if the whole world had become quiet for her.

After making the tea, Nangong Yu placed the teacup and cup holder in front of Huo Yanxi, "Try it."

Huo Yanxi was too lazy to think. After listening to what she said, she just followed her instructions. She picked up the tea and was about to drink it. Nangong Yu quickly grabbed his wrist to stop her.

"Wait a moment!"

 Under Huo Yanxi’s puzzled gaze, Nangong Yu explained with a smile, “Before tasting tea, you must first observe its color, smell its aroma, and then taste its taste.”

 (End of this chapter)

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