My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1693: Can't control my hands up and down

Chapter 1693: Unable to control his hands

 “Boss, is this thickness okay?”

 “Wrap it in two more layers.”

"But all this..." He An's words were stopped by Huo Yanxi's sharp eyes, and he swallowed them back.

He An really wanted to say that this hand was wrapped bigger than a rice dumpling, but anyone would notice it at a glance. If it is wrapped in two layers, it can be used as a sandbag.

 But since the boss insisted, he had no choice but to do it!

 Finally, Huo Yanxi looked at the white gauze wrapped in layers and about three centimeters in diameter on both sides, and smiled with satisfaction.

It turned out that the scars on his hands were all scarred today. At first he was thinking about how to cover it up, but then an idea came to him and he suddenly thought of using the trick, which is still a painful trick! So leaving before Nangong Yu arrives and doing this superficial work may get twice the result with half the effort.

Nangong Yu was really unhappy waiting this time.

Even though Huo Yanxi told her to stay and wait for a while on the phone, she was still unhappy.

Why does she have to work so hard without complaining? She also has a temper.

With this thought, she wanted to leave.

But when she walked in front of the elevator and pressed the down button, there was a "ding" sound, and the elevators opened. There were two tall figures standing inside, Huo Yanxi and He An.

 “You want to leave?”

“…Now that Mr. Huo is back, let’s continue.” Nangong Yu had no choice but to turn around.

 Huo Yanxi was passing by. At this time, Nangong Yu heard He An's voice, "Boss, be careful."

She took a curious look and saw He An carefully guarding Huo Yanxi. The palm wrapped thicker than a rice dumpling was particularly eye-catching.

Nangong Yu: Huo Yanxi was chased by his enemies when he went out?

Nangong Yu followed them into the office silently. He didn't show any concern or even say a word of curiosity along the way. This made Huo Yanxi very depressed.

His hands were covered with layers and layers, and they were extremely hot, but Nangong Yu didn't even care.

 The more I think about it, the angrier I get!

“Boss, please be careful and don’t let this hand get hurt again.” He An pretended to praise and put on a show, just because the boss promised to give him a year-end bonus!

After leading both of them to the office, He An retreated wisely, and before leaving, he specifically asked Nangong Yu, "Miss Nangong, you also saw that our boss's hand is seriously injured, so please pay more attention to it."

He An specially hinted that she should pay attention to Huo Yanxi's "seriously injured" hand, so as to comfort her with a few words to promote feelings...

 But obviously, He An was thinking too much.

Nangong Yu first nodded and said, "I will pay attention, please don't worry." Then, she put the design drawing down and specifically asked Huo Yanxi to keep a distance.

Huo Yanxi looked at the woman who made her heart itch. Not only did she not care about her hands, she even sat one meter away from her. She was so surprised! So angry!

Huo Yanxi frowned and said unhappily, "Nangong Yu, do I have a virus? Do you have to stay so far away from me?"

Nangong Yu explained: "Well, I was afraid of accidentally touching Mr. Huo's wound."

Huo Yanxi raised her lips slightly, "Oh? You mean you're afraid that you won't be able to control yourself and touch me?"

 “What nonsense are you talking about!”

"Am I talking nonsense? If you don't touch me, how can you hurt my hand, huh?"

Nangong Yu knew that Huo Yanxi was not a serious person yet!

 (End of this chapter)

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