My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1705: pick you up

 Chapter 1705: Pick you up

Mo Xiangnuan, who was not yet fully awake, heard Han Qi's voice and almost missed the stairs.

 "Why are you here..." I asked weakly before reacting.

Han Qi's face gradually darkened. How could he imagine that this woman had forgotten everything after a long sleep?

“Mo Xiaonuan, you are going too far. We chatted for so long last night.”

 “Have a good doesn’t really count.” It’s obviously just an awkward chat.

 It is indeed best to stay alone at night, so as not to get too emotional and provoke your ex-boyfriend.

Mo Xiangnuan reached the last step of the stairs and was just the same height as Han Qi.

“Han Qi, look, I’m as tall as you.”

Han Qi smiled without saying a word and stretched out his hand to hug her down.

 At this very moment…

 “Nuan Nuan baby, mommy is back!”

 At this very moment! Ye Youwei walked in happily, and the scene froze.

The scene that fell into Ye Weiwei's eyes was that of Han Qi and his precious daughter Mo Xiangnuan embracing each other.

"Am I hallucinating?" Ye Weiyi began to doubt himself and rubbed his eyes before looking again.

Ye Xichen, who was approaching, didn't have that kind of cuteness, and directly told them to let go in a stern voice.

Mo Xiangnuan hurriedly pushed Han Qi away, and Han Qi also let go.

The two separated, and Mo Xiangnuan immediately ran to Ye Weiwei, trying to get through.

“Mommy, what did you buy?”

“Don’t interrupt, tell me what’s going on between you two?”

 The night is very confusing. How come there is an extra man in the house when I come back from a day out?

Even though she knew this man as her godson whom she liked very much, the scene of him hugging his daughter was too ambiguous!

 Obviously these two have become ex-girlfriends.

However, Ye Weiwei then thought about it. His youngest daughter was already 29 years old and had never been in love. She must have inherited the family's excellent genes and loved one person for her whole life. To put it simply, Mo Xiangnuan still has lingering feelings for Han Qi.

They all know what happened when the two children got together, and they also know what happened when they broke up. No one was right or wrong, no one was sorry to anyone, it was just not enough fate that prevented them from getting together.

 Now after so much time, we still meet.

As people who have been together, Ye Ziyi will not hinder their emotional development, but all the relationships combined, seeing this scene at home, always feels weird.

 It wasn’t until Ye Xichen stood beside her that she came back to her senses.

"Hello godfather, godmother." Han Qi obediently greeted his elders.

When Ye Weiwei saw Han Qi, he smiled brightly and said, "Qi'er, you're here."

Even though there was no smile on Ye Xichen's face, she still gave him a slight nod.

Ye Xichen is not a very strict father, because although he dotes on his daughter, he does not interfere too much.

  Just like falling in love, Kitano would definitely be furious if he saw that scene, but Ye Xichen would not.

He only needs to protect his daughter when she needs him. As for the rest, whether he is happy or painful, he is willing to let the children try and experience it on their own.

“How was Qi’er’s recent concert?”

"Well enough."

“As you said on Weibo, are you ready to record a new song?”

“It’s all official advertising, but I haven’t even written the lyrics yet.”

   She said she was planning to record a new song, but she didn’t tell everyone the specific time, so she just kept her appetite in check.

“Qi’er, it’s rare for you to come here once. How many days can you stay this time?”

 (End of this chapter)

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