My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1707: Pictures captured by surveillance video

 Chapter 1707 Pictures captured by surveillance video

The matter of Nangong Yu being drugged cannot just go unnoticed.

 When she regained consciousness, she began to investigate what happened that day.

 Actually, she has an answer in her mind, but she has no evidence.

Just when she was worrying about this matter, Huo Yanxi sent her an email, which was a video of that night.

 The constantly changing pictures clearly showed her the people and things she had come into contact with that day, Zhong Siyu was particularly prominent.

It seems that there is no need to investigate the matter of people taking stolen goods together.

Nangong Yu thanked Huo Yanxi, but she didn’t understand what Huo Yanxi’s actions meant.

 The evidence that comes to your door is always a bit strange.

“Mr. Huo, how do you plan to handle this matter?”

 “Ask me what to do about your business.”

 “But that’s your sister...”

“When did I admit that I have a sister? You call me Mr. Huo, but don’t you know her name is Zhong Siyu?”

  Meaning that they even have different surnames, and Huo Yanxi never regarded Zhong Siyu as her sister.

Nangong Yu didn’t know how to judge this matter.

Zhong Siyu seems to like Huo Yanxi and regards her as a love rival.

And Huo Yanxi doesn’t like Zhong Siyu, but is interested in her?

These two people with incompatible magnetic fields turned out to be a family in name. She originally thought that even if Zhong Siyu was found out, she might be impressed by the cooperation between Nangong Group and Huo Enterprises, but judging from Huo Yanxi's attitude, she didn't seem to care.

"Can I assume that Huo Yanxi acquiesces that I can handle it as I please and that it will not affect the cooperative relationship?"

"what ever."

 “Okay, I understand, thank you very much this time.”

Nangong Yu focused on the key points to explain, and hurriedly ended the conversation when he got the answer he wanted.

Looking at the call records on the screen that were no more than one minute long, Huo Yanxi squinted his eyes.

 Last night, the charming and charming look of that woman was still before my eyes.

 “You really have turned your back on me and don’t recognize anyone…”

They are obviously so close, but now it is as if nothing happened. Could it be that they have forgotten?

Except for the last step, everything you should do and shouldn’t be done is complete.

If it were the previous Huo Yanxi, he would definitely bully her over this matter.

But just now, why did she hang up the phone so simply?

 “Tsk…” I’m a little tired of being out of control.

S city

Nangong Yu, who got the surveillance video, kept the original video and planned to give Zhong Siyu a big gift.

Zhong Siyu is also stupid and dares to blatantly plot against her!

But thinking about it, she might be even stupider, since she almost fell into the trap because she accidentally fell into the trap...

If she had not been taken away by Huo Yanxi, maybe she would have done something outrageous at the banquet and become the laughing stock of the whole city.

If it wasn't Huo Yanxi who took her away, maybe she would have...

 I still feel frightened when I think about what happened last night.

 She should thank Huo Yanxi, but she didn't want to mention what happened at that time again.

It is unimaginable that she would actually sacrifice herself in front of Huo Yanxi.

Nangong Yu believed that he did such a thing because he was completely confused by drugs!

In order not to embarrass two people, the best thing to do is to keep silent in a tacit agreement.

Huo Yanxi should think so too.

Shaking his head, trying to put away all the troubles.

Nangong Yu made a copy of the video on a USB flash drive and made an appointment with Zhong Siyu to meet.

Zhong Siyu used evil tricks to harm her, but she was not actually harmed. If investigated, Zhong Siyu would not be punished as he should be.

 As a businessman, you should strive for your own interests to the greatest extent!

 (End of this chapter)

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