My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1713: Be my granddaughter-in-law

 Chapter 1713 Be my granddaughter-in-law

She reacted quickly and called out meekly: "Grandpa Huo."

 As a businessman, it is instinct to adapt to changes.

 She is not so arrogant as to get to the bottom of things. On the contrary, it is more beneficial to their cooperation to build a relationship.

 As a result, Mr. Huo immediately changed his tune and called her Yu'er directly.

 The two of them talked about the tea ceremony. They had a common topic and the conversation was stress-free.

 You can occasionally hear the sound of two people talking and laughing in the tea room.

The relationship between the old and the young is advancing rapidly at this moment.

 After some exchanges, Mr. Huo became more and more satisfied with Nangong Yu.

“Yu’er, grandpa, I want to ask you a personal question.”

 “Grandpa Huo, please speak.”

Mr. Huo suddenly asked seriously: "What do you think of my grandson Huo Yanxi?"

Nangong Yu replied without thinking: "Mr. Huo is young and promising..."


As soon as he said one word of description, Mr. Huo interrupted displeasedly, "You don't need to tell me these official words, I want to hear the truth."

Nangong Yu knew that he could not be fooled, so he paused slightly and said, "Mr. Huo is a good man with principles and bottom line."

 Although he once teased her, he also helped her at the most critical moment.

She, Nangong Yu, has always made a distinction between right and wrong. She was really grateful that Huo Yanxi, who was known as a playboy, could let her go at that time.

Mr. Huo smiled dumbly when he heard this.

 “You are the first person to praise him like this.”

 “Grandpa Huo is joking, Mr. Huo’s reputation is well known to everyone.”

"Old man, I never joke. I can still tell the difference between what those people say outside and what they say is nonsense!" Mr. Huo was very serious when he straightened his face.

Nangong Yu secretly guessed the old man's thoughts, feeling a little worried in his heart.

 She is afraid...

"To be honest, I came to you today because of Yanxi. I have also heard some rumors about you. When I saw you today, you gave me a big surprise, even beyond my expectation."

“Yu girl, Grandpa, I like you very much, and Yanxi treats you very special. How about you consider becoming the grandson-in-law of my Huo family?”

“!” Nangong Yu didn’t expect Mr. Huo to be so direct.

 Are you kidding me...

Having just met her once, do you think she is suitable to marry Huo Yanxi as your wife?

 The smile on his face can hardly be held back.

Nangong Yu said tactfully, "Grandpa Huo, if you think Yu'er is destined to you, you can contact her more often. You don't need to... marry Mr. Huo..."

Mr. Huo smiled and shook his head, firming up his thoughts, "I'm old, but I'm not old enough to mess around with each other. I saw you two young people interested in each other, so I wanted to give you a push."

“Grandpa Huo, I think you have misunderstood.”

Nangong Yu tried to explain that he had nothing to do with Huo Yanxi.

But Mr. Huo said: "On the night of my birthday, Yanxi took you away in front of everyone and said that he had no interest in you. Who would believe it?"

"I know very well what my grandson's temperament is. He is not a person with overflowing sympathy. If you insist on saying that he is a good person, then he is only a good person for you!"

 If Huo Yanxi is a good person, then he is only a "good person" belonging to Nangong Yu.

Nangong Yu seemed to be shocked by Mr. Huo’s words.

 She who had always been eloquent could only remain silent.

“Yu girl, think about it carefully, I will stay in S city for a while.”

After saying goodbye to Mr. Huo, Nangong Yu was still in a daze when he walked out of the teahouse.

 (End of this chapter)

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