My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1718: If you marry me, I will go home

Chapter 1718: Marry me and I will go home

“Hahaha, Huo Yanxi, you don’t know how to chop vegetables!”

 “Don’t laugh! If you have the ability, come and do it.”

“I’ll teach you.” Nangong Yu didn’t accept his provocation. He walked to the side and taught him how to hold down the tomatoes and use the knife.

Huo Yanxi just had no experience in cutting vegetables, but he understood it as soon as he was told and quickly cut two tomatoes into slices.

Nangong Yu started cooking noodles, and the process was clear at a glance.

“Huo Yanxi, remember, if you don’t know how to cook in the future, you can eat by yourself.”

 “Why should I be alone? Isn’t there you?”

 “Ang?” Nangong Yu suddenly looked back and met his burning gaze.

 At first she didn't hear clearly when the noodles were being placed, but after replaying it in her mind, she understood what Huo Yanxi meant.

 What nonsense is he talking about? She was kind enough to take him in for one night, but he actually wanted her to... cook for him in the future?

 “Huo Yanxi, don’t talk nonsense.”

“I’m not talking nonsense, my grandfather and I both have good tastes.” Because he and his grandfather both felt that Nangong Yu was suitable to marry Huo Yanxi!

Nangong Yu was still a little happy after being praised from both sides.

 After all, who doesn’t like to hear good things?

“You go out and wait, I’ll be fine soon.”

"Don't you want me to study? I don't see how I will study completely in the end." Of course Huo Yensi must seize every minute and every second with her, especially such a warm scene like now is simply rare.

Nangong Yu didn't think as much as he did. He just thought that the words sounded reasonable, so he nodded, "Okay, then you watch."

 The noodles are cooked and the ingredients are added. They all smell delicious.

The noodles were placed on the small table, and the two sat facing each other. Nangong Yu looked at him expectantly and asked, "Is it delicious?"

Huo Yanxi swallowed a sip and nodded.

  It’s really fragrant.

 “As long as it’s made by Xiao Yu’er, it’s delicious.”

"Don't tell me this..." She couldn't stand these fancy words.

Huo Yanxi will stop as soon as he sees fit.

Nangong Yu asked, "You said Grandpa Huo kicked you out, when will he let you go back?"

“It’s probably when he catches up with his favorite granddaughter-in-law.”


Isn’t she the grandson-in-law that Mr. Huo likes?

“Stop joking, go back and have a good talk with Grandpa Huo tomorrow and explain our relationship to him clearly.”

"Oh?" Huo Yanxi raised the corners of his lips, "Tell me, what is the relationship between the two of us? Do we need to make it clear?"

  “…” seems to have no relationship that requires explanation.

Huo Yanxi then pressed: "So, why don't you find a boyfriend?"

Nangong Yu paused and discussed with him seriously.

Nangong Yu: "Let me ask you a question."

  Huo Yanxi: “You said.”

Nangong Yu: “Can I do laundry?”

Although he didn’t know why he asked such a question, Huo Yanxi still answered according to his own thoughts: "There is a washing machine."

  She asked again: “Can I cook?”

Huo Yanxi looked at the bowl of noodles at hand and nodded, "You can."

 “Then do you think I can make money?”

 “Of course!” The strong woman in charge of the entire Nangong Group has no doubts about her ability.

“Since I can solve my own problems in life and I don’t lack material things, then why should I find a boyfriend? Let him stand beside me and applaud me?”

“Ahem—” Huo Yanxi almost choked on a mouthful of eggs when she heard this.

“If you marry me, you can be a rice bug with peace of mind.”

 (End of this chapter)

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