My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 172: Puppy love? Parents please!

Chapter 172 Puppy love? Parents please!

An Ruan followed Ye Weiwei all the way just to see what her so-called part-time job was. Unexpectedly, she entered a bar...

An Ruan quickly took a photo, but was stopped when he went in and asked for his ID card and VIP card.

“Then why didn’t you use the one you went in just now?”

“She has a special status and is naturally different from the guests.”

An Ruan automatically interpreted the gatekeeper's words to mean that he was a "guest" who failed to meet the requirements, and Ye Weiwei was not a "guest".

Probably the owner of the night bar is a bit weird, so he hired some people with good tempers to be the doormen. Now An Ruan was stunned!

 An Ruan did not have a VIP card and was not of age, so he could only leave in anger.

 The next day, Ye Weiwei asked An Ruan what he wanted to say yesterday afternoon, but An Ruan denied it again.

On the third day, the two of them didn’t say a word as tablemates.

Over the next two days, An Ruan quietly followed Ye Weiwei and discovered that she did go to the bar every day.

 The students in No. 2 Middle School have been brainwashed by their parents and teachers that "bars" are dirty and scary places.

An Nguyen is no exception.

 An Ruan is convinced that Ye Yiyi has fallen, and the photos on his cell phone are the best proof.

On the fourth day, Ye Weiwei accidentally knocked off one of An Ruan's pens during class. An Ruan used the topic to make use of the topic, and the two almost quarreled.

 On the fifth day, Ye Weiwei applied for a change of position.

 The teacher moved Ye Weiwei to a seat by the window.

The window seat is good for ventilation in spring and summer, but in winter, the cold outside is almost pervasive.

What's even more unlucky is that the window that Ye Yiyi's desk is now leaning against is broken and cannot be closed. Although it is only a small gap, the constant blowing against it makes her cheeks feel cold.

An Ruan heard that Ye Weiwei's classmates always complained that it was too cold. She sneered: The class teacher hates people who are looking for trouble. What benefits can be gained by offering to change positions?

 An Ruan wanted to hear Ye Weiwei complain even more.

 But Ye Weiwei seemed to have no feeling and was still doing her own thing. Many of her movements clearly indicated that she was also afraid of the cold, but she never mentioned it.

 “Hmph, I don’t believe I can’t punish you!”

An Ruan reluctantly pulled out the video on his phone, stared at the video and smiled secretly, "Let's see how long you can pretend!"

The toughest teacher in the second grade of junior high school suddenly received a video.

 The content is actually about a female student having **** with a male student...

The teacher had to find someone to talk to in private after receiving this kind of video, but somehow, the video spread quickly.

Within one day, everyone knew that Qiao Lian, a second-year junior high school student, was trying to hook up with Su Yichen!

  No. 2 Middle School does not select school beauties, but if it were selected, Su Yichen would definitely be at the level of school beauties.

 There are many girls who like Su Yichen because of his good looks. This is something that everyone knows very well.

 But except for Ye Qingqing, few people dared to speak out, and the teacher just turned a blind eye.

 However, this time it was caught on video!

Teachers at No. 2 Middle School attach great importance to academic performance and strictly prohibit puppy love and unrequited love!

Su Yichen’s grades were average, and he was about to take the high school entrance examination, so the teacher couldn’t ignore him.

 Ye Ziwei was invited into the office unprepared.

 “Classmate Qiao! I hope you can give a reasonable explanation about the video.”

 “Teacher, that’s a misunderstanding.”

 “Alas.” The dean sighed, obviously not believing what she said.

“Student Qiao, I know that you are an upright adolescent and it is easy to develop feelings for the opposite sex, but early love is strictly prohibited in junior high school. If the situation is serious, you will be given a major demerit!”

 Finally, the dean put on a very serious face: "Student Qiao, you don't need to explain. Please ask your parents to come."

Parents, please... tremble



 (End of this chapter)

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