My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1722: My girl is like a jewel

Chapter 1722 My girl is like a jewel

 “Look over there…”

The place Huo Yanxi refers to is their offline marketing center.

 Most of the people who come to buy jewelry are in groups, lovers or relatives.

When Huo Yanxi took her in, the salesperson directly recognized them as a couple and introduced them to the jewelry.

"we are not…"

Nangong Yu was about to retort, but suddenly someone grabbed her hand tightly.

Huo Yanxi suddenly lowered his head to hers and said softly: "It's just time to check whether these employees are qualified for their work."

Nangong Yu was a little confused by his voice, and somehow she followed his wishes and let him hold hands and walk forward.

The salesman saw that both of them had extraordinary bearings and must be rich, so he enthusiastically recommended several models to them, and also said many words that Huo Yexi liked to hear, such as "Your girlfriend is really good-looking. Let's take a look at your relationship." That’s good.”

Nangong Yu also looked at the jewelry carefully. Although she had selected these design drafts and had seen the real ones before, this was the first time she viewed them as a buyer in a store.

 “Which one do you like?”

“They all look good.” After all, she chose them herself, so wouldn’t it be a slap in the face to say they don’t look good? Naturally, I liked the answer.

Nangong Yu thought so in his heart.

 The next second, Huo Yanxi said angrily, "Wrap all these different styles for me!"

 “Okay sir!” The salesman smiled brightly, as if he was afraid that he would regret it. He came with a credit card machine in both hands, and several people began to choose these jewelry for them.

Nangong Yu was surprised and shocked and pulled his hand, "Huo Yanxi, what are you doing?"

“Didn’t you say you like it? Then I’ll buy it and give it to you.”

“I don’t need these, I have them all.” She has a habit of keeping a sample of any jewelry designed and sold by the company.

 “That’s different.”

 “What’s the difference? Everything I have is flawless.”

"But that's not what I sent to you." Huo Yanxi blocked all her doubts with one sentence.

While Nangong Yu was dazed for a moment, he didn't know when he got a ring of suitable size and put it between her fingers, "My girl is like jewels and treasures, what do these things mean!"

Nangong Yu stared at the ring in his hand, as if he had caught a hot potato.

 “Huo Yanxi!”

This man is too domineering. How can anyone directly put a ring on the hand of the opposite sex?

"I've been chasing you for so long. With your intelligence, can't you still see it?"

Someone seemed to be staring at them. Nangong Yu subconsciously wanted to hide, but Huo Yenxi directly pulled her into the cubicle.

This is his territory and he is familiar with everything.

"Xiao Yu'er, can you face your feelings? Ask yourself, do you really have no feelings for me at all?"

Huo Yanxi took her hand domineeringly and placed the palm of her hand against the left side of his heart, "I want you to listen to my heart."

Nangong Yu tried to break free, but he couldn't do it at all.

 “Xiao Yu’er, how about being my girlfriend?”

 “Me, I don’t like people who are ambiguous with different women.”

Huo Yanxi quickly expressed his position, "You said before that you don't like playboys. Look at the 0 scandals around me now. If there is anything you are dissatisfied with, I will change everything until you agree!"


 “How is it? Talk to me.”

She didn't say anything, but her ears turned red quietly.

 (End of this chapter)

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