My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1728: Huo Yanxi, I promise you

Chapter 1728 Huo Yanxi, I promise you

When Nangong Yu saw the stack of photos handed over from Mr. Huo, his face suddenly turned pale.

The people inside were her and Huo Yanxi.

Huo Yanxi hugged her, but she was disheveled...

Nangong Yu stared in disbelief, and quickly put away the photo, with nowhere to put his hands.

“Yu girl, grandpa really appreciates you and hopes that you can become a member of the Huo family. Please consider it carefully.”

"Although I can't stand that brat in my family, I can't watch my Huo family's grandson being a bachelor for the rest of his life, right?"

 When Mr. Huo said these words, he still had a kind smile on his face.

 He seemed to be scolding Huo Yanxi, but he doted on his grandson.

Even if Huo Yanxi wants something, he will do whatever it takes to help him get it.

Mr. Huo was helped away with a smile on his face.

Nangong Yu was left sitting there quietly.

 In the end, she lay on the table and cried aggrievedly, but she didn't let herself cry out.

Everyone said that she was the pride of the Nangong family. How could she let the pride of the Nangong family become a serious laughing stock for others?

You must not give others a reason to trample the Nangong family under their feet.

Nangong Yu wiped away her tears and put away the documents that Mr. Huo handed her.

 As a businessman, the most important thing is to make profits, isn’t it?

 After a while, she picked up her cell phone and made a call.

 “Huo Yanxi, I promise you.”


While feeling sad, Nangong Yu received another piece of good news from her sisters, which was the message Bei Jiyue sent in the sisters group: Brother Qingfeng and I are together! It’s the kind of love~

 She spoke by voice, and her simple words were as sweet as a whole jar of honey.

 Ye Zhiruo and Mo Xiangnuan sent their blessings one after another.

Nangong Yu held the phone and stopped at this page for a long time.

 I don’t know when the topic changed and we started discussing her.

Bei Jiyue: "When I think about it, Sister Yu is the one who has the hardest work. It's really tiring to support such a large family business by myself."

 Ye Zhiruo: "Although I feel sad too, don't underestimate Yu'er, she is very powerful."

  She raised the phone to her mouth and also sent a voice message: "I heard you guys praising me."

 Then she sent another blessing: "I have heard about Brother Qingfeng and Xiaoyue'er. I wish you happiness."

 “Hey hey hey!” Bei Jiyue posted several cute emoticons to express her inner happiness and joy.

 She hesitated for a moment, but still told them the big news.

 “That’s right, I also have something to tell you.”

 “I’m getting married.”

 The voice as calm as water said... the news of getting married.

The other three people in the group all wondered whether Nangong Yu had also learned to joke?

As if he could guess their thoughts through the screen, Nangong Yu once again sent out a text: No kidding, I’m getting married.

Remembering that he had promised Huo Yanxi to get married today, the man couldn't wait to get the certificate.

 She delayed deliberately, and Huo Yensi seemed to see through her thoughts.

Later she thought about it, since it was bound to happen, what was the use of procrastinating?

 So she promised Huo Yanxi that she would go get the certificate tomorrow.

 The night before receiving the certificate, she suffered from insomnia.

 Time flies so fast, she has actually known Huo Yanxi for almost half a year.

 When did that start? It seems to be for cooperation.

 If she had not broken into Huo Yanxi’s lounge that day, wouldn’t everything have happened?

 (End of this chapter)

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