My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1734: Jealous

Chapter 1734 Jealousy

 They usually choose high-end restaurants for their gatherings? An elegant tea room? Casual cafe?

 This time, it’s a bar.

Han Qi likes to be lively, so everyone catered to his preferences this time.

It doesn’t matter, it’s nice to be lively once in a while.

Nangong Yu was never late, and this time he arrived at the appointed place early. Han Qi, who was the host, also came early to wait. Then Ye Qingfeng and Bei Jiyue held hands and spread dog food throughout the whole process.

 “When will Nuannuan come?”

 “It’s almost time, I just said it was on the way.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Mo Xiangnuan's figure from a distance.

 The important thing is that there is someone beside her.

“Hey, Sister Nuannuan didn’t come alone?” Bei Jiyue subconsciously expressed the common doubt in everyone’s mind.

Nangong Yu glanced at Han Qi. She also knew about their relationship.

 After a while, Mo Xiangnuan walked up to them and greeted them one by one.

Ye Qingfeng gave Mo Xiangnuan a meaningful look, "Who is this next to you?"

“This is my colleague, named Song Fanqing. My car broke down and he sent it to me.”

 In fact, there is still a reason that is not clearly explained.

When she went to drive, she found something wrong with her car. She was about to take a taxi when her colleague Song Fanqing happened to be nearby and offered her a ride.

 We usually work together, so it’s okay to take a ride in the car when a friend offers to help, but unexpectedly, Song Fanqing knew she was entering the bar, and said "I don't worry" and insisted on following her.

Mo Xiangnuan is usually docile and can't win over stubborn people, so he was allowed to come.

 It was a gathering of relatives and friends anyway, so she didn’t think too much about it.

Song Fanqing saw that the men and women in the private room all had extraordinary appearances and good temperaments, and he had seen Mo Xiangnuan's computer screen showing family photos. Now he knew that he was really worried.

Song Fanqing smiled honestly and planned to leave.

Ye Qingfeng spoke faster, inviting him to stay, "You are Nuannuan's friend. Since you are here, let's sit together."

Song Fanqing was a little embarrassed. He looked at Mo Xiangnuan and asked.

Mo Xiangnuan was simple-minded. When his brother said this, he felt that it was right, so he nodded and asked Song Fanqing to stay.

 In this way, Song Fanqing successfully joined today's party.

Nangong Yu noticed that Han Qi’s younger brother’s expression didn’t seem very friendly~

“The last time Han Qi came back, he probably went to a sleepover, right?”

“I had a cup of tea with Uncle Ye and Aunt Qiao, and I picked up some gifts from Brother Feng and Mo Xiaonuan from Aunt Qiao’s place.” He joked in a relaxed tone.

 The atmosphere seems to be more lively.

They are all old acquaintances of more than 20 years and talk freely, but Song Fanqing is sitting upright and doesn't know how to get involved.

Mo Xiangnuan thought that after all, he was the colleague he brought here, so he couldn't ignore them, so he found a topic to talk to Han Qi.

 “Today’s topic…”

Nangong Yu sat next to him and listened quietly. The two of them were talking about serious teaching content.

"Hey, you promised to take care of me today. You are showing affection and chatting with friends, but you are leaving me alone?"

Han Qi is like this, he never holds back or asks arrogant questions.

Nangong Yu smiled and answered his question, "Xiao Qi, don't ignore that I am a human being."

“By the way, sister Yu, why don’t you bring your husband over?”

Nangong Yu was stunned for a moment, then explained slowly: "He is on a business trip and can't come."

 (End of this chapter)

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