My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1739: He is handsome and rich, but his wife doesn’t love him.

Chapter 1739: He is handsome and rich, but his wife doesn’t love him.

 “Hello?” Nangong Yu’s calm and gentle voice came from the mobile phone.

“…” Huo Yanxi held the phone tightly but said nothing.

 He An: “!!”

Didn’t you say you’re not allowed to call your wife? As a result, you hit yourself!

If you can’t help but fight, just fight! If you don't say anything, who are you trying to scare to death? I wonder if Madam is famous for her patience!

The bitter He An roared in his heart. Seeing that Huo Yanxi was really drunk, he approached the phone without fear of death and complained to Nangong Yu on the other end: "Madam, the boss is drunk and shouts your name. Look. Do you have time to come? I’ll send you the address.”

 After saying this, He An felt his scalp numb.

As soon as he raised his head, he found that Huo Yanxi's sharp eagle eyes were looking directly at him.

He An expressed his sincerity fearfully, "Boss, I'm doing this for your own good."

Huo Yanxi still stared at him without saying a word.

Just when He An was about to kneel down in front of this scary boss, he finally heard him praise him, "Well, well done."


He An's mood at the moment was like riding a winding roller coaster.

He An is a very qualified assistant. Just like now, he is guarding the side carefully, not even daring to drink any alcohol.

 He is now wholeheartedly looking forward to Nangong Yu coming to accept this big trouble.

 But in fact, like Huo Yanxi, he was not sure whether Nangong Yu would come.

Ten minutes have passed...

 Twenty minutes have passed…

"He An, they all say that I am ruthless. Do you think that woman is more ruthless?"

He An was confused, their boss started talking drunkenly.

“Boss, don’t think too much, maybe my wife is in a hurry and can’t leave.”

“Does that mean those things are more important than me?”

He An: "..." It turns out that boss, you are quite self-aware.

He An is just a single guy. He doesn't know what it feels like to be in love, let alone the thoughts between lovers.

 He can only judge from the superficial situation that his boss's marriage is unhappy.

Say this, he actually sympathizes with the boss. He is handsome and rich, but it is a pity that his wife does not love him?

 “He An, why doesn’t she come?”

 “Well, madam, we should be on our way...”

"Oh." Huo Yanxi seemed to be soothed by his nonsense words, and she lay obediently on the table, as if sleeping with her arms as pillow.

He An has never seen Huo Yanxi get so drunk before, and this is the first time he knows that Huo Yanxi looks completely different from usual when he is really drunk.

 Perhaps out of curiosity, He An could not take his eyes away for a moment.

Huo Yanxi suddenly raised his head and said with a stern expression, "If you look again, I'll dig out your eyeballs!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" He An quickly moved his eyes away, wanting to slap himself.

 Why does he think that the big devil, the boss, is good?

He An took out his phone and checked it again and again, but couldn't help but call Nangong Yu again.

After the phone call, he avoided Huo Yanxi and asked cautiously: "Madam, are you here?"

 “Just arrived at the door.”

"!!" He An was overjoyed, "Madam, please wait a moment, I will come to pick you up right now."

He An thought that he would be free soon, so he ran out to pick up people excitedly.

At this time, Nangong Yu had also walked in, and the two met.

When He An saw Nangong Yu, he felt like he had seen the great savior. "Madam, the boss is waiting for you inside. Please come with me."

  Nangong Yu: “Thank you for your hard work.”

He Anchao was touched, the lady is polite.

He An thought things would go smoothly from now on, but he didn't expect that when he came with Nangong Yu, he saw Huo Yanxi holding a woman.

  【The author has something to say】

Mr. Huo, you are seeking death



 (End of this chapter)

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