My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 174: Bar photos leaked

Chapter 174 Bar photos leaked

 The dean asked An Ruan to tell the truth.

An Ruan glanced at Ye Weiwei and then raised his eyes to Su Yichen. He lowered his eyes slightly and said, "Director, this matter is indeed a misunderstanding."

 “Misunderstanding?” The director frowned, “Tell me what you know.”

“It was my birthday, so I invited my classmates to celebrate. Since we are all of the same age, we naturally had fun. I also took the video for fun. At that time, I just wanted to tease them, but I didn’t expect that it would be spread out.”

“You mean you took the video? But it was leaked?”

"Yes, there were many people at that time. I don't know who spread the word. It was probably just a joke. I didn't expect..." After saying this, An Ruan looked embarrassed and sighed.

Ye Weiwei was stunned for a moment, more of a doubt.

An Ruan took a step back and admitted that he had taken the video, but denied that he had posted it.

Since An Ruan sent the video, why is he willing to testify for her?

The dean seemed to have listened and waved his hand for them to go back to the classroom to study.

 “This matter will be dealt with later, you can concentrate on studying.”

 The three of them walked out of the door one after another. After coming out, An Ruan and Su Yichen walked side by side.

 Ye Ziwei quickened his pace in embarrassment. After going down two floors, he found that there was no one behind him.

The top floor of the teaching building is locked all year round, and Su Yichen and An Ruan are confronting each other in front of the rusty iron gate.

Su Yichen lowered his head, his eyes fell on An Ruan, whom he had known since childhood, and frowned slightly, "An Ruan, did you do this on purpose?"

"What do you mean?" An Ruan pretended to be dumbfounded in front of everyone.

However, Su Yichen knew An Ruan's character well and was not confused by her superficial appearance. He said those words directly, "You changed the wine and deliberately made Qiao Ling drunk just to attract her brother, right?"

 “You’re talking nonsense!” An Ruan turned his head and denied it.

 But Su Yichen told her definitely, "I've seen it all."

Perhaps everyone else drank fruit wine that didn’t get drunk, but Qiao Lian’s cups were different.

Su Yichen said: "The fruit wine you poured for Qiao Ling has a richer taste."

 Also, it makes people more likely to get drunk.

 So, An Ruan did it on purpose.

An Ruan looked up at the boy he had known since childhood and laughed softly, "I really can't hide it from you."


The dean called many people to the office for questioning regarding the video incident, and everyone's results showed that Ye Weiwei had nothing to do with Su Yichen.

 Finally, the head teachers of the junior high school students were called to a meeting, and they went back to their own classes to warn their classmates not to talk about the video again.

“Qiao Li, now everyone knows that this matter is a misunderstanding, so don’t be so sad.” Ye Weiyi’s new deskmate said a few words of comfort.

 “Yeah, yeah.” Ye Weiwei nodded and showed a faint smile.

"It's finally settled." Even though Ye Weiyi still had many unresolved matters in her heart, she was relieved.

 It’s just that no matter what, she seems to have become famous again in No. 2 Middle School.

 Based on this incident, Ye Weiwei was invited to the office by the head teacher.

“Since what happened before was a misunderstanding, you don’t need to take it to heart. The most important thing is to study hard. You see, your monthly test scores are really bad.”

The head teacher showed her grades in No. 2 Middle School, which made Ye Weiwei blush for a while.

“I’m sorry, teacher, I will try my best.”

 “Okay, you go back first.”

Ye Weiwei nodded and was about to exit, but the dean who happened to appear at the door stopped her!

 “Classmate Qiao, you don’t have to go back.”


 “Come and see for yourself, what’s going on with this bar photo!”

Video is just a warm-up, photos are the point

Thank you Ye Zi and Xiao Xi for the tip~



 (End of this chapter)

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