My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1747: I need a wife

 Chapter 1747 I need a wife

 “Honey, I’m waiting for you to get off work.”

Huo Yanxi figured it out, he is a man! Nangong Yu must not be allowed to lead the way.

 So, he decided to take the initiative.


 “I’m not in the company.”

It is obviously not a rational behavior to take the initiative without preparation, because Nangong Yu has already gone to deal with other things and will not come back to the company today.

  Huo Yanxi: “…” The first attack failed.

 Next, he inquired about Nangong Yu’s itinerary and finally received Nangong Yu.

“Where are we going now?” Nangong Yu sat in the car and thought about where he should be.

Huo Yan was stunned for a moment and then asked: "Where do you want to go?"

 Actually, he was a little scared at the moment, fearing that Nangong Yu would answer something he didn't like to hear.

 “I want to go back to the apartment.”

Huo Yanxi's face turned cold when he heard this.

 Sure enough!

This woman must have been so sleepy in the morning to be so close to him, and now she has returned to her original state in less than a day. Fortunately, he was excited for a whole day because she called "Yanxi".

Huo Yanxi felt very unhappy, so she didn't take the initiative to speak during the whole process.

Nangong Yu was thinking about the business matters he had just discussed, and did not care about Huo Yanxi's mood.

 Until the car stopped at the door of the apartment, Nangong Yu naturally opened the door and got out of the car. Huo Yansi sat in the car and did not move.

Does he still want to lick his face and live in Nangong Yu's apartment, and then listen to her say "I'd rather never meet" again?

But what if you ask him to turn around and drive away? His hand just stayed there, not moving.

Nangong Yu took two steps and found no one behind him, so he stopped, turned around and shouted: "Yanxi, what are you doing in the car?"


However, at this moment he still had a straight face, "Are you inviting me in?"

Nangong Yu smiled brightly and asked, "Aren't we husband and wife? Do we still need an invitation to enter our home?"

Huo Yanxi was inspired to open the car door, and the cool night breeze blew in his face, waking him up.

 Following Nangong Yu, they walked into the house together.

The position of the things he had forced in had not changed. At most, they were neater and cleaner, but they were still the same.

Huo Yanxi really didn’t expect…

He thought Nangong Yu was telling the truth that night, but why was this woman so annoying in her words and so gentle to him in her actions?

 Completely unable to resist.

“It’s a bit late tonight, otherwise I’d better stay in the apartment first, and I’ll pack up and move there tomorrow.”

 “Move there? Where are you moving to?”

 “Your villa is so big, can’t you live in it?”

 Huo Yanxi resisted the urge to jump up and roar, and pretended to be serious and replied with two words: "Okay!"

 Happiness came so suddenly that he suspected that he was dreaming.

  But not.

The reality is that Nangong Yu personally cooked egg noodles for him. This is also the food he misses the most, because the first time Nangong Yu cooked for him, he made tomato egg noodles.

 He was really becoming more and more fascinated by her.

 After finishing the noodles, Huo Yanxi asked a question she was looking forward to: "Where should I sleep?"

"Your room is ready. It's the same one as before. Everything in it is still there. You can go and see if you need anything else later."

  "Okay..." I thought there was much progress, but I didn't expect to sleep in separate rooms.

Huo Yanxi thought for a while and then asked: "I can ask you for anything I need?"

“Hmm.” There were only two people here. Who else could I tell besides her?

“Okay, I need a wife, please help me make arrangements.”

 (End of this chapter)

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