My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1752: Ye Qingfeng is Huo Yanxi’s nightmare

Chapter 1752 Ye Qingfeng is Huo Yanxi’s nightmare

 “Yanxi is in the room, I will take you there.”

When Mr. Huo first heard what Nangong Yu called his grandson, he glanced at her meaningfully.

 In fact, the old man still felt a little guilty for this little girl, but no matter how great his guilt was, it couldn't compare to his feelings for his grandson.

If the Nangong family really bullied his grandson, he would not care about it!

However, when Mr. Huo came in and saw his grandson sitting leisurely on the bed with a small table in front of him with fruits and other things on it, he didn't know what to say...

 Have never seen this side of my grandson.


 “Old man, why are you here?”

"I heard that you... cough, something happened at Nangong's house." He said directly that it was embarrassing to have his legs broken.

“Hey, who comes to your old man again to gossip?”

Huo Yanxi pushed the table in front of her, got out of bed and stood in front of Mr. Huo.

Where is the broken leg? Isn’t this a good thing?

Mr. Huo immediately understood that he had been deceived by Zhong Siyu.

However, Mr. Huo finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that his grandson was intact, "It's good that you're fine."

Huo Yanxi nodded.

He glanced behind him twice, but when he didn't see Nangong Yu's figure, he asked, "Where is my wife?"

“She said to go downstairs and prepare some tea.”

 “Old man, you will enslave my wife as soon as you come.”

The grandchildren were used to the call and didn't care about those.

There is one thing that worries Mr. Huo, "I heard her call you Yanxi just now, and you called her directly... How are you two doing now?"

“As you have always seen, the family is happy and the couple is happy.”

 “Really?” It’s not just a show to fool an old man like him, right?

   “Hey, this is still fake. You have bright eyes, but you still can’t see it?”

 “That’s true.”

As he spoke, Nangong Yu came in with a new fruit plate and warm tea.

Seeing that Mr. Huo was still standing there, she couldn't help but give Huo Yanxi a scolding look, and then said to Mr. Huo: "=Please sit down."

 “Yu girl, thank you for your hard work.”

 “It’s okay, it should be.”

 The visitor is a guest, but she still knows how to treat guests.

Mr. Huo looked at Nangong Yu's gentle look and felt even more ashamed when he thought of the things he had done before.

“Yu girl, what happened before is because I can’t help you, old man.”

"Well..." Nangong Yu didn't expect that Mr. Huo would mention that matter at this time, but she was smart enough not to hold back, so she responded tactfully, "What did Grandpa Huo say? Yu'er may have forgotten it. ”

Huo Yanxi listened for a long time, but didn't understand.

 “What riddles are you two playing?”

Nangong Yu smiled and said nothing, walked up to him and stuffed an apple into his mouth.

 Mr. Huo finally felt relieved when he saw the interaction between the two.

 He made an excuse and left after a while.

He knows how to leave space for young people. As for the development of those two young people, it is not something he should worry about.

 Fortunately, his enthusiastic decision at that time was not wrong.

  In any case, this marriage is finally done.

With Nangong Yu personally taking care of her for the past two days, Huo Yanxi was almost as if he was living in a dream.

  However, two days after the good days, his nightmare came again.

 The night breeze…

The amazing man who made Huo Yanxi explode when he heard his name.

 “What did he say?”

“Brother Qingfeng asked us to go to Yejia to get together in case he comes back.”

 (End of this chapter)

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