My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1761: Extra: Han Xingye (2)

Chapter 1761 Extra: Han Xingye (2)

When Han Xingye clicked on the video, the sound was already playing. The teacher sitting next to him heard it and turned his head to take a look, "Teacher Han, this song is quite good. What is its name?"

“It’s a new song composed by my children, it’s not decided yet.”

Most parents are proud when they mention their children, especially an outstanding son like Han Qi, who has inherited his music career, and his face lights up every time he mentions it.

Song Wanwan, who pays more attention to the news, was the first to speak, "I've watched TV. Teacher Han's son is called Han Qi, right? He's very handsome."

Han Qi sent this video mainly to ask Han Xingye for advice.

Han Xingye was very satisfied after listening to the song.

 In fact, Han Qi has reached this point with his own strength. He is no longer the child who followed him. It seems that he has nothing to teach his son.

He made a few comments and sent them to Han Qi, who directly played a video.

"Dad, how long are you going to stay there? Those people are looking for me."

 Those people couldn't find the whereabouts of Han Xingye, so they started to attack Han Qi. Han Qi was almost bored to death.

But Han Xingye began to put down his burden unreasonably, "I don't care, you find a way to deal with those people, otherwise I will live here and fish."

“Are you trying to fool me? Well, when those people come back tomorrow, I will tell them your address directly and let them find it on their own.”

“Boy, I’ve raised you for so many years, and you treat your father like this?”

Han Qi: “…”

Han Qi discovered that his father was really getting better and better.

 When he was a child, he felt that his father was reliable and he relied on him for everything. But now it's the other way around. His father throws away his sleeves and leaves, and he has to be responsible for the aftermath.

But it’s okay, for these years, my father has been in that position that others look up to. He seems to be glorious, but his heart is empty.

 It would not be bad if he could find the life he wanted.

 After the party dispersed, Han Xingye returned to the village chief’s house.

 During this period, he stayed temporarily at the village chief's house.

The village chief treated him with great respect and gave him the best room in the house to live in. Of course, she also gave him corresponding rewards.

 When I returned to the village chief’s house, I saw the village chief’s grandson still doing homework on a high stool.

They do not have a separate study room. When doing homework, they put their homework books on high stools, sit on low stools, and write like this.

“Teacher Han, are you back? Grandpa said there are apples in the refrigerator, so you can take them and eat them as you like.”

 “Thank you.” These people were very warm to him.

 In addition to monetary rewards, he will also do some things within his ability.

For example, I would like to pay attention to the study of the village chief Sunzi Xiaoqiang, "Is there any homework that Xiaoqiang cannot do today?"

 Xiaoqiang shook his head, "Teacher Xia just visited my home and helped me answer my questions."

“Oh? Is it the injured Teacher Xia?”

“Yes, Teacher Xia’s hands are still wrapped with white gauze. She looks so pitiful.”

 “Then she is a really good teacher.” Even though she was injured, she still came to visit her home.

The village chief came in with washed fruits and explained casually: "Teacher Xia was injured and had an operation, but the doctor recommended that she move more every day to avoid stiffness in her fingers, so after dinner, Teacher Xia went out for a couple of walks to check on the children. They came to my house today.”

“Teacher Xia just left, I don’t know if you two met just now.”

Han Xingye shook his head and thought about how when he came in just now, he seemed to see a figure from behind, but the surroundings were pitch black and he couldn't see clearly.

 (End of this chapter)

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