My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 177: What qualifications do you have to compare with her?

Chapter 177 What qualifications do you have to compare with her?

 After warning An Ruan, Ye Weiwei raised his head and stared ahead quietly.

An Ruan followed her gaze and turned around, shouting "Ah"!

 Because of what she was greedy for, Ye Xichen's figure gradually became clearer and enlarged in her eyes.

An Ruan's heartbeat suddenly accelerated. She rubbed her fingers together in confusion and did not dare to move, but Ye Weiyi walked towards him so directly.

The two held hands so naturally that An Ruan went crazy with jealousy!

She ran up to block the two of them unwillingly, pointed angrily at Ye Weiyi, and asked angrily: "Ye Xichen, you said you hate me for deceiving people, but that Qiao Li next to you also deceived you! You know I don’t know, she’s cheating on you too! At least I’m clean, unlike someone who pretends to be innocent but is actually very dirty!”

Ye Xichen raised his hand and passed in front of Ye Weiyi. The seemingly random movement actually cut off An Ruan's outstretched finger.

"Hiss." An Ruan retracted her hand in pain. Before she could react, she heard the man's ruthless voice as cold as biting ice.

 “What qualifications do you have to compare with her?”

The man who had a gentle face when facing Ye Weiyi had a cold light in his eyes. The tall figure and his imposing aura made people's hearts tremble.

 It was as if the ferocious nature hidden in her body was about to attack her!

But just when the temperature of the atmosphere dropped to extremely cold, a sweet voice came in, "Brother Chen, let's go home."

Just one sentence rescued An Ruan from the predicament.

As if nothing had happened, the man rubbed the smooth black hair of the girl next to him, and then led her away.

 An Ruan didn’t know how to describe his boiling mood at that time.

 It always felt like she was on the verge of life and death.


“You still want to be merciful?” Ye Xichen’s hands were spinning on the steering wheel, distracted from talking to her.

  Ye Weiwei shook his head in denial, "No."

Ye Xichen paused and asked her: "So, how do you plan to solve the problem of the bar photos?"

Before Ye Weiwei had time to think about it, he casually said, "Explain it to the teacher, or let them investigate on their own. In fact, Yese Bar is not what they imagined at all?"

 “Tsk, little bell, why are you so naive?”

Those people will not waste time looking for the so-called truth. All they want is the "best proof" in front of them!

Ye Xichen laughed at her naivety, but took out a document that had just been prepared this afternoon from the drawer in front of the car. There were about ten documents.

 “What is this?” Ye Weiyi grabbed the blue folder curiously.

Ye Xichen raised his eyebrows and said, "See for yourself."

Ye Weiwei straightened her body and placed the document on her lap. She started flipping through the first page. By the end, the surprise curve at the corner of her mouth became more and more obvious.

"is this real?"

“Could I lie to you?” Ye Xichen snorted, seemingly dissatisfied with her suspicion.

Ye Weiwei shook his head repeatedly, unable to suppress his excitement at the moment, "No, I mean, this is impossible!"

Rather than being direct, Ye Xichen retorted calmly, "Nothing is impossible."

“Little bell, you are always so cautious and never remember that I told you that you can be unscrupulous around me.”

 What he means is that he will always be her strong backing.

 “No, I just, just...”

 She was just so excited and surprised that she couldn't even form the words.

The last page of the document is the official seal for the investment in the Night Bar in the name of "Qiao Lian".

 (End of this chapter)

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