My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 180: Recording pen, attacking body and mind

Chapter 180 Recording pen, attacking the body and mind

 The only one who knocked on the door that night was An Ruan's mother.

 “Who are you?” An Ruan’s mother didn’t recognize her.

Ye Weiwei was just slightly shocked, and responded calmly, "Hello, auntie, I am classmate An Ruan. I know about this matter... I want to say something to her."

An Ruan’s family knew about this, but they had never met Ye Weiwei himself. An Ruan’s mother did not know Ye Weiwei.

Now that her daughter has caused that incident, she is angry and sad. Now there are people willing to come to visit. They must be friends who are really having a good time.

An Ruan's mother turned around and called someone inside. It took a long time before she heard An Ruan's reply.

An Ruan’s mother asked her to come in and sit down, but Ye Weiwei shook her head and refused.

But when An Ruan ran out full of joy, his face suddenly changed, and his tone became a little colder, "Why is it you!"

An Ruan’s mother, who was unaware, scolded An Ruan in a low voice.

The two little girls had a tacit understanding and did not make it clear. Instead, they made an appointment to go to the big tree in the distance to talk.

 “Why did you come to my house? Are you kidding me?”

"you are right."

 Ye Weiwei's straightforward admission was like a sharp sword that directly pierced An Ruan's heart and caused bleeding.

An Ruan was so angry that he blamed all the mistakes on her, shouting, "I have been expelled from school, what else do you have to be dissatisfied with!"

"Of course there is." Ye Weiyi looked across from An Ruan's house, in the direction of Su Yichen's house, intentionally or unintentionally.

Ye Weiwei raised the corners of her lips, "An Ruan...haven't you always been very proud? Now something has happened and you don't have a single friend. It's really pitiful."

"Nonsense! Those in school are all brainless. If nothing else, I still have Su Yichen!" An Ruan is very confident. He and Su Yichen have been friends since childhood, and their relationship between childhood sweethearts is different from others.

Su Yichen is good-looking, which has earned her a lot of face in front of outsiders.

 But Ye Weiwei did not give her a chance to be proud for too long.

She pulled the chain and took out a voice recorder from her shell backpack, "For the sake of getting to know each other, I'll give you something else."

Ye Weiwei couldn't help but put the recorder into An Ruan's phone. When An Ruan frowned in confusion, he answered for her: "This is the recorder."

 “You! Did you deliberately record my words?”

"so what?"

An Ruan subconsciously held the thing tightly, fearing that Ye Weiwei would **** it back again.

Ye Weiwei smiled brightly and said generously: "This is for you, I have many more."

An Ruan was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Also threatened, "How dare you!"

 Ye is the only one who is confident and spreads his hands, "What am I afraid of?"

"Okay, the stuff has been delivered and I'll never see you again." Ye Weiwei waved her hand.

An Ruan, who was caught, dared not speak out in anger

But Ye Weiwei did not leave the community after leaving An Ruan's realization. She stayed on the only way to enter the community and played with her mobile phone to pass the time.

 Until Su Yichen's figure appeared in sight.

Ye Weiwei put away her phone, took out another voice recorder from her backpack, and twirled it with her fingers.

She stared at the recorder and murmured, "An Ruan, I reminded you, don't mess with me."

“It’s okay for you to be hypocritical to me, shouldn’t involve your brother.”

“You should be glad that your brother hates you, otherwise, I don’t know what I would do in return.”

 She had a weird smile on her face.

He looked up when he heard footsteps, looking nervous and innocent.

 “Su Yichen!”

 “There’s something I think you have the right to know.”

Ye Weiwei handed over the recorder.

An Ruan attacks the body, and the little bell attacks the heart

By the way, Xiao Lingdang’s second best girl friend is about to appear, and she is also an important role.

Qixi needs a name. About her: she is round (fat) in the early stage, and will become thin and beautiful in the later stage. She likes to eat and play on the Internet. Her personality is neither soft nor rough, nor aloof. To put it simply, some of them are second-rate, right?

If Qibao is interested in making a cameo, please go to the book review section and leave your name. It’s a character with a relatively large role.



 (End of this chapter)

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