My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 187: Not planning to go abroad

Chapter 187 No plans to go abroad


Gong Qianli immediately let go of the hands holding Nangong Luo and clarified: "What do you think, I will fall in love with him?"

Nangong Luo straightened his face when he heard this: "Gong Qianli, you have made me lose face by saying this. What's wrong with me? I am the eldest son of the Nangong family, am I so bad?"

Gong Qianli immediately turned around and held Nangong Luo's baby face with both hands and patted it, "Oh, I made a mistake. Our Nangong brother is so good, but he is just not my cup of tea."

Gong Qianli has a straightforward personality, but is not arrogant. She admits her mistakes faster than anyone else every time, and she is also called various annoying names.

The three of them made jokes and finally waited for Ye Xichen to fly.

 Ye Weiwei stood in the terminal and looked from a distance, and the text message popped up on his mobile phone with a "dong" sound.

She happily clicked on it, and it was a text message from Ye Xichen: I'm here.

Ye Weiwei lowered his head and typed a reply. As soon as he sent it, his head was shrouded by a tall shadow.

Ye Weiwei subconsciously raised his head. Ye Xichen was standing in front of him, holding a suitcase between him. The distance between them was only ten centimeters.

 “Brother, you are finally back!”

She smiled and hugged the man in front of her. The two people behind had eaten a pot full of food.

After receiving the person, Gong Qianli and Nangong Luo were completely ignored. They followed behind and listened to the conversation between the two people in front.

 “I told you not to come.”

“It’s okay, I want to see my brother soon. Anyway, I’m used to getting up so early during my morning self-study.”

 “Have you eaten anything?”

 “It’s too early, no, brother, are you hungry?”

 “I’m worried you’re hungry.”

 “It seems like oh, I’m a little hungry.”

 “Then go have breakfast.”

The previous conversations between the two people were very ordinary, but they all revealed that they cared about each other.

Nangong Luo and Gong Qianli exchanged various strange looks and expressions in the back. In the end, the bottom line is: childhood sweethearts are indeed the most loving!

 Find a nearby restaurant and the four of them ordered their favorite breakfast.

Ye Weiwei's bright eyes were wandering on his suitcase. He tilted his head, held his cheeks in his hands, and said in a cute voice: "What gift did Brother Chen bring me?"

 “Wow, there are gifts!” Gong Qianli was quite envious.


 Ye Xichen gave each of them one copy.

Gong Qianli and Nangong Luo expressed that they were very touched, "It's rare that Brother Chen thought of us when he was on a business trip. Sure enough, it was right to get up early to pick him up."

“Oh, if you don’t show up today, these things all belong to her.” Ye Xichen pointed at Ye Weiwei, calmly.

Gong Qianli and Nangong Luo: Fortunately, we are here!

 “Take it apart and take a look first.” Their relationship is extraordinary, and they don’t have to worry about the rules that it’s impolite to open things in front of others.

Just as the three of them were eager to open the gifts, Ye Xichen played with his mobile phone and sent a message to Gu Chengxi: Help me prepare for the inspection.

 After breakfast, Ye Xichen’s excuse is always work.

 However, the place he went to was the hospital where Gu Chengxi was staying.

When Gu Chengxi saw the visitor, the smile on his face was not friendly, "That's right. You have controlled your condition and returned to before liberation after a business trip. You are really good at it!"

 “So much nonsense.”

 Shortening the original ten-day business trip to one week is very difficult for a teenager who is not yet a shopping mall veteran, but it is just too mentally consuming.

 Gu Xicheng shrugged and began to prepare for his examination, "You should be going abroad soon. Do you need help contacting my classmates abroad? He will treat you regularly in the future."

Ye Xichen put down his suitcase and glanced at him, "Who told you that I want to go abroad?"

 (End of this chapter)

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