My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 189: childhood brother

Chapter 189 The little brother in childhood


 A fire was lit in the pot.

 “His, it’s so hot.”

 In a person's small kitchen, Ye Weiwei was already busy with a New Year's Eve dinner, "Ah ah ah, it's over."


Ye Weiwei took a spoon and added a ladle of water to the pot, and then another ladle of water, finally extinguishing the ignited oil fire, and the thick white smoke covered her.

Ye Weiwei stared at the mess in the house, leaned against the door and sighed deeply, "It still doesn't work."

  Today I planned to research a high-end dish because it was New Year’s Eve, but I failed and almost destroyed the kitchen.

When Ye Xichen opened the door and walked into the living room, he smelled an "unusual" smell.

 Seeing the thick smoke in the kitchen, he subconsciously rushed over and pulled Ye Weiyi, who was standing at the door, behind him.

 Looking at the miserable situation in the kitchen...

 He seemed to know what was going on.

Ye Xichen didn't ask any questions and gave her an order directly, "You are not allowed to do such dangerous things alone at home in the future!"

 “I just want to cook something.”

 “I’m afraid you’ll burn the house down.”

   …”It’s so miserable to be despised.

Ye Xichen clicked his tongue and took out the card Ye Hantian handed him, "This is the New Year's red envelope from father to you."

Yeye only saw this New Year's gift, but he still refused it.

"How can I accept this with peace of mind?"

 She doesn’t even know the truth about the complicated things back then, and her grudge against Ye Hantian cannot be eliminated.

Ye Xichen took the card back without forcing it, "Then when do you think you will feel at ease?"

“When I have the ability, I will find out the truth.”

Those people refused to tell her the truth, which meant that there was indeed a ghost, but without any capital, she had no other quick way except to study hard.

 “Wait over there.”

Hearing his faint agreement, Ye Weiwei suddenly turned around and asked, "Brother Chen, are you really ignorant of what happened back then?"

Ye Xichen's pupils shrank slightly, and his breathing seemed heavier, but the smile on his face and the deep, mellow voice were as usual.

 He said: “I don’t know.”

 Ye Weiwei nodded, put away his heavy expression and returned to the kitchen to put away all the messed things.

The moment she turned around, she missed the caution flashing in Ye Xichen's eyes, as if he was deliberately hiding a certain truth.

Yeye Weiwei muttered as he collected things, "What a pity. All the ingredients I bought today were wasted."

Ye Xichen sighed helplessly, took off his coat, rolled up his sleeves, and started working in the kitchen skillfully.

 After dinner, Ye Weiwei sat in front of the TV with a big bucket of popcorn and swore, "I will definitely receive twelve o'clock today! Make a wish for the New Year!"

 However, when twelve o'clock came quietly, she was already lying in Ye Xichen's arms and fell asleep.

Ye Xichen gently opened Ye Wei's fingers and thrust a gold-plated red envelope into her hand.

 The picture seems to go back to the first New Year when they met when they were children.

At that time, Qiao Li ran up to him and showed off that he had so many red envelopes that he couldn't even fit them in his small backpack. He also said, "Brother Chen, you always give out red envelopes during the Chinese New Year, but I don't think you have any."

He just felt childish and casually replied: "No, so what?"

 The clever little guy winked at him mischievously and gave him a big red envelope, "If you don't have one, I'll give it to you!"

She also whispered temptation in his ear: "As long as Brother Chen always likes me, I will give you a red envelope from Xiaolingdang every year!"

On Chinese Valentine’s Day, I noticed that every time I give out sweets, the book review area becomes quiet. It seems that you guys prefer to torture, orz

Next chapter Li Moer, a pig teammate, is going to cause trouble



 (End of this chapter)

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