My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 193: The wife-protecting maniac is online

Chapter 193 The wife-protecting maniac is online

“It seems that you can take revenge yourself.”

Ye Xichen's words suddenly startled Ye Weiyi. He raised his eyes and looked at Ye Xichen. His eyes were quiet, without any emotion or anger.

“Brother Chen, what are you talking about?” Ye Weiyi decided to pretend not to know.

 Only she knows the turbulence in her heart.

She was so carried away that she couldn't hold back just because she saw Li Mo'er make a fool of herself, and she actually forgot what a powerful person Ye Xichen was.

Even though she knew Ye Xichen, she couldn't compete with him. If she wasn't careful, she would be discovered.

 But absolutely... absolutely must not let Ye Xichen find out!

Ye Weiwei grabbed Ye Xichen's sleeve and shook it, pursed his lips and said, "Brother, Li Mo'er came to school to see me today."

Ye Xichen suddenly answered, "So, the marks on her face are indeed related to her?"

Ye Weiwei did not expect that Ye Xichen was most concerned about her face. She slowly reached out and touched the cheek that had been slapped.

Perhaps it was because Li Moer's hand was too heavy, causing her to feel the slightest bit of pain when she touched her cheek.

Ye Yiwei told the truth, "I didn't pay attention and didn't avoid her slap."

 Cold fingers suddenly touched her cheeks with red marks, and she could even feel them trembling slightly.

Immediately afterwards, I heard his deep voice coming into my ears, "Does it still hurt?"

"No... yes, it hurts a little, a little." She started to stutter again.

Every time Ye Xichen deliberately lowered his voice to talk to her, she would become helpless and even stammered in her answers.

Facing Ye Xichen’s repeated questions, Ye Weiwei answered clearly word for word, with no intention of lying in his mind.

Ye Xichen asked: "Did you fight back?"


“Are the things I asked you to learn from Shirley all fake?”

Yewei was stunned again and again.

 She was taken to a nearby pharmacy. Ye Xichen bought some medicine and applied it carefully with a medical cotton swab.

Ye’s only gaze was glued to Ye Xichen’s face almost the whole time.

 Feeling the cotton swab slide gently on the cheek, over and over again, Ye Weiwei wanted to move but was afraid.

The slight expression on her face changed again and again. After struggling for a long time, she suddenly held Ye Xichen's raised arm and said, "Actually, it doesn't hurt anymore, and there is no need for medicine."

Ye Xichen stared at her and called her in a toneless voice, "Take your hands away."

Ye Weiwei finally noticed something was wrong and asked tentatively: "Brother Chen, are you angry?"

Ye Xichen glanced at her and asked, "What do you think?"

If you don’t know that Ye Xichen is angry now, you are a fool!

She immediately bowed her head and admitted her mistake, and followed Ye Xichen's thoughts and apologized, "I'm sorry, I will pay attention next time. If she bullies me again, I will use the skills taught by Master Shirley to fight back!"

But Ye Xichen said, "Are you still thinking about being beaten next time?"

Ye Weiwei waved his hands in a hurry, "No, no, no, no, I, I, I, I mean, yes...haha..."

Just when Ye Weiwei was stammering and unable to explain clearly, he was suddenly pulled into Ye Xichen's arms.

 Pushing into Ye Xichen's warm chest, she heard the strong heartbeat coming from her heart.

His promise suddenly rang in my ears, "I will not let go of anyone who bullies you."

"What if I bully others?" Ye Weiyi couldn't help but ask such a question.

But there were words of indulgence that hit her heart unexpectedly, "As long as you don't behave well, it doesn't matter what you do!"

 “Is it okay if I let you leave...?”

   Thanks to "Co., Ltd." and "Girl's Heroic Dream" for the reward~

In fact, Brother Chen and Xiao Lingdang are each other’s idiots, but Xiao Lingdang wants Brother Chen’s future... ahem, you understand



 (End of this chapter)

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