My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 211: Ye Weiyi lied again

Chapter 211 Ye Weiyi lied again

Ye Xichen raised his lips and asked again: "Do you still remember the contact information written on the note?"

Beiqi bit his lip, Ye Weiwei twisted the corner of his clothes, looked at him pitifully, and said weakly: "I'm sorry, brother, I forgot."

Ye Xichen slowly held up her palm, put the newly warmed milk in her hand, and changed the subject in a moment, "The milk is warm, drink it."

 “Oh, thank you, Brother Chen.”

Ye Weiwei put his palm on the bottom of the cup and immediately grasped the wall of the cup, and quickly removed the hand that was in contact with Ye Xichen.

 Because she didn't want Ye Xichen to find out, her palms were sweating.

"It doesn't matter, it's just someone I haven't met yet, so it's not important." Ye Xichen calmly paved the way for her.

Ye Weiwei raised his eyes when he heard those words, unable to hide the flash of bright color in his eyes.

Although she didn't know how the note was lost, she couldn't deny that she was... relieved.

 She is indeed very selfish.

 In fact, she remembered the contact information of Dr. Huo's niece very clearly, including the woman's name, which was deeply engraved in her mind.

Ye Xichen left and took a plane back to school on Sunday.

Ye Weiwei has resumed her military training career half a month ago. The only difference is that she now has a little crush?

She can’t be considered a little fan girl, but she is the first and only one in the class to be praised by the devil instructor. The new classmates admire her a little, but of course, I don’t know if she really scores points.

Yu Anran, who was saved from heat stroke that day, came to thank her. He was not enthusiastic, but sincere.

  Ye Weiwei has a good impression of Yu Anran.

Shen Nian'an was as addicted to books as ever. When Yu Anran thanked him, she thanked Yu Anran in turn and said, "Thank you for letting me read quietly all afternoon."

Ye Weiwei frowned slightly as if thinking of something, "Have you really been watching quietly all afternoon?"

She clearly remembered that there were a few gangster-like students who made a noise in the entire infirmary that day!

 “Yes, be quiet.” But Shen Nianan did answer that way.

Ye Weiwei couldn't hold back her laughter. She had never seen such an interesting book-loving girl.

 The last week of military training finally ended and classes resumed. The students all exclaimed: Good study!

 When you study, you don’t need to be outside in the wind and sun. You can sit in the classroom and enjoy the air.

 “I really feel good about going to class now.”

“Pfft, I think this is the school’s conspiracy.”

 Deliberately making them endure hardships reflects the benefits of being in the classroom.

The head teacher walked in with the roster in his hand and began to instill chicken soup for everyone, "Okay, congratulations to the students on the end of the military training, so now you have to calm down, it is time to enter high school life..."

 At the end of the day, the head teacher will give the key points.

“There are so many people in the class who need to be managed, and teachers also need helpers. Now we have to choose class cadres. First of all, who wants to be the class leader?”

Perhaps everyone was shy and no one raised their hand at the first moment.

 The head teacher repeated in a good temper, "Is there any student who would like to recommend himself?"

still none.

"Well, if not, I'll make some myself..." The class teacher looked around the roster, then looked around the classroom for a week, and finally pointed in Ye's only direction and said, "Classmate Qiao Ling will take charge of this job." Monitor, are you willing?"

Ye Weiwei, who was suddenly called, stood up.


Just when she was about to express her position, a girl in the second row suddenly stood up and said loudly: "Teacher, I am willing to be the monitor!"

  Please be sure to remember this girl



 (End of this chapter)

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