My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 214: Gifts mailed by Ye Xichen

Chapter 214 The gift mailed by Ye Xichen

"The school map has divisions. I'll wait for you at the basketball court." Ye Weiyi just hung up the phone.

I heard Lu Baiyang yelling on the basketball court: "Squad leader, remember to put the camera on me!"

 Ye Weiwei’s hands trembled and he quickly raised his phone to take pictures.

I thought the person would be here soon, but after more than ten minutes there was no one there. When I sent her a message, she only replied: "Wait a moment."

Lu Baiyang came off the field as a substitute. While wiping his sweat with a towel, he walked towards Ye Weiwei and reached out for his cell phone. "Thank you, squad leader."

"It's okay." Ye Weiyi handed the phone back with a slight smile.

 Lu Baiyang replayed the video happily, and within two minutes he found that the camera pointed towards the ground and captured nothing, "Oh! Monitor, you are doing this and this..."

“I’m sorry, I didn’t pay attention when I answered the phone just now.” Ye Weiwei hurriedly scrolled the timeline back two minutes, and the subsequent video was considered normal.

 Lu Baiyang quickly watched the video, stared at Ye Weiwei with a smile and teased, "I found that the person who took the most videos of the squad leader was Brother Su."

 The only one who is confused at night? She clearly took the photo at Lu Baiyang's request, but she wasn't targeting anyone!

Someone suddenly tapped her shoulder, and a clear and crisp female voice from behind came into her ears, "One and Only! I found you!"

Ye Yiwei suddenly felt happy, turned around and hugged Gong Qianli, feeling very good.

 Finally let go.

Ye Weiwei pursed her lips and asked, "Liuli, why did you come here? I was afraid you would get lost."

"No way." Gong Qianli shrugged and spread her hands, explaining: "When I came here just now, I saw someone moving things, so I helped to delay some time."

“That’s good, I’ll leave when our class’s basketball game is over.” Ye Weiwei was about to point at the basketball players and talk to Gong Qianli.

Lu Baiyang suddenly came over and extended a hand of "friendship" to Gong Qianli, "Hello, little beauty, my name is Lu Baiyang. I am a classmate of monitor Qiao and the main forward of our class basketball team. Nice to meet you."

Ye Youwei holds his forehead. This Lu Baiyang is simply a walking social man on campus. He wants to hook up with everyone he meets.

 Fortunately, Gong Qianli also had a cheerful and lively personality, so she shook hands with him very generously, "Hello, my name is Gong Qianli. I am Wei...Qiao Li's son."

Gong Qianli makes friends with both men and women, and it mainly depends on their character.

Although I don’t think someone as smooth-tongued as Lu Baiyang can make a deep friendship, a superficial friend can save Ye Weiyi’s face.

Lu Baiyang is very good at communicating. Knowing that Gong Qianli and Ye Weiwei played well, the conversation started with a burst of praise for Ye Weiyi.

“Our classmate Qiao Li is a great helper. He is a good helper among teachers and a good monitor among classmates. Even the school boss, Su Yichen of our class basketball team, also looks up to the monitor with admiration.”

 Ye Weiwei was quite happy when she heard the first half of the sentence, but when she heard the second half, she frowned and blinked at Lu Baiyang.

 It was too late to say anything...

Gong Qianli, who had not paid much attention to communication, suddenly grasped the key point, "School boy? Su Yichen?"

Pinched the bridge of her nose with her slender white fingers, Ye Weiyi looked at the ground innocently, pretending not to hear.

Gong Qianli smiled perfunctorily at Lu Baiyang, and casually pulled Ye Weiwei aside, "Youyi, you are rebelling!"

"No way, that Su Yichen is my junior high school classmate. When I was elected class president, I was one vote short of him. He voted for me. This matter has been talked about by my classmates for a long time!"

 “That’s it.” After hearing the explanation, Gong Qianli stopped delving into it.

She held up a square box as if by magic, "I almost forgot, Brother Chen mailed you a gift."

In the last chapter, you all said it was Brother Chen, hahaha, but actually you were all wrong.

   guess again this time, what is the gift?



 (End of this chapter)

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