My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 216: Videos in U disk

 Chapter 216 Video on USB flash drive

 “Sorry, I don’t know you.”

Yu Anran's indifferent answer made Gong Qianli a little embarrassed, but not angry at all.

Suddenly a figure in white clothes came over. Gu Yiyi put a gray USB flash drive on the table, "Monitor, the teacher heard that you recorded a video of the basketball team and asked you to edit the video of our class."

“Editing? It was just recorded casually, why do you need to edit it?”

 Gu Yiyi put down the USB flash drive and was about to leave. Ye Weiwei hurriedly picked up the USB flash drive and stood up from her seat.

Gu Yiyi responded perfunctorily with a very casual attitude, "The teacher wants to treat this video as a promotional video. It is very important and should be edited as soon as possible."

Ye Weiwei frowned, "But I don't know how to edit. Why don't you go find a classmate who can?"

Gu Yiyi replied matter-of-factly: "You are the squad leader, so of course I will leave this matter to you."

“Gu Yiyi, you are the deputy squad leader and you don’t do anything.”

“Of course it’s because, monitor Qiao, you have done so well and your teachers and classmates all praise you. Of course, you have to handle such important matters.”

 At this point, Gu Yiyi has already shown her only dissatisfaction with Ye.

At the beginning, Gu Yiyi worked very hard to outdo Ye Youwei. When the deputy squad leader compared her to the squad leader, Ye Youwei would be laughed at.

Unexpectedly, Ye Weiyi is a hard-working person who rarely refuses help from others. He works hard to make progress in the class and is praised by everyone.

Gu Yiyi's heart became twisted and she began not to perform her duties as deputy squad leader.

 In fact, the teacher gave her the USB flash drive and asked her to make it, or go down and find someone to edit it.

Now, she was deliberately causing trouble for Ye Yiyi, so she threw the USB disk in front of Ye Yiyi.

“Anyway, it’s the teacher who wants the video. You are the monitor, so you can do it yourself.”

Gu Yiyi looked at the person sideways and snorted arrogantly.


The grumpy Gong Qianli couldn't sit still, so she slapped the table and stood up.

“Gu Yiyi, stop!”

Gu Yiyi turned around in surprise when her name was called, "What's the matter?"

 “You, apologize to Qiao Lian.”

"I was just conveying the teacher's words, you are too serious." Gu Yiyi didn't take Gong Qianli seriously at all, so she casually put down these words and left.

Gong Qianli immediately wanted to catch up, but Ye Weiwei held her tightly and consoled her: "Liu Li, don't be angry, let her go."

"How can you let her go? She's clearly bullying you. I have to teach her a lesson today!"

Knowing that Gong Qianli was getting angry, Ye Weiwei leaned over and whispered a few words in her ear.

 The expression on Gong Qianli's face changed from anger to surprise, and finally, she couldn't help but smile a little.

“Then I believe you once and I won’t cause trouble for her.”

 This is how a farce ends.

After getting the USB flash drive, Ye Weiwei started to work hard at night to learn video editing. Her dorm roommates tried to persuade her several times, but she only said: "Since the teacher asked me to edit, as the monitor, I should do my best."

Ye Weiwei's performance in class has always been very good, but this time he stayed up for three days in a row for the video. In addition to eating, he only edited the video.

 After completion, accompanied by her roommate, Ye Weiwei copied the video to a USB flash drive and handed it over to Gu Yiyi.

In class that day, the teacher called Gu Yiyi's name and asked: "Has the video editing been finished last time?"

Gu Yiyi glanced at Ye Weiwei and said, "Teacher, the monitor said before that he had to edit the video himself. I'm not sure about the progress."

  p: The first question: What is on the bell of Ye’s only bracelet?

Activity 1: Q&A with prizes

Event time: April 17th - April 22nd

Activity Rules:

1. Ask questions related to the book after the chapters at 19:30 every night. The questions and answers are all from the book.

2. The first reader who answers correctly will be awarded 200 book coins, and one lucky person will be drawn from all subsequent readers who answer correctly and will be awarded 100 book coins.

3. The answer to the question needs to be posted again in the book review area, otherwise it will be invalid.

4. Answer format: quick answer + answer

For example: [quick answer] xxxxx, (quick answer) xxxxx,

5. For each question, the answer will be announced in the chapter released at 17:30 the next day. Take a screenshot and contact the administrator "Xi Yue" to receive the prize.

Activity 2: Rewards for stepping on the building

Activity Rules:

1. Mail physical gifts (bracelets, dream catchers, soft girl cups, dolls) of your choice on the 520th floor of the reward building

2. The award-winning readers require fans of [Apprentice] and above. If there is no answer on the 520th floor, it will be postponed.




 (End of this chapter)

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