My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 218: Earrings stolen

 Chapter 218 The earrings were stolen

Ye Weiwei shut up, gritted his teeth, and slowly said, "Gu Yiyi, are you sure you want to go against me?"

"Squad leader, I ask you not to slander me!" Gu Yiyi put on an arrogant expression.

“You two are both class monitors. If something like this happens, there is always a right or a wrong.” Now the factual evidence points to Ye Weiyi lying. Although the class teacher did not explain, the attitude he showed also made Ye Weiwei suspicious.

  But both of them are their own students, and they hold the highest position in the class, so it would not be nice to spread the quarrel.

The head teacher put one hand on his hips and the other, "I really can't explain, so I'll just re-edit the video."

  Gu Yiyi, whose plan succeeded, snorted disdainfully at Ye Wei.

But at this time, Ye's only expression changed slowly, "No need, teacher, please let me log in to QQ, and someone will send the video soon."

The head teacher frowned, "What's going on?"

With a slight smile on his lips, Ye Weiwei said in a soft voice, "Because this is a video about a basketball game. After it was completed, I sent it to Lu Baiyang and the others for review. Suddenly I remembered that they still have the video there and I had contacted them just now. "

The head teacher made room for Ye Weiyi with doubts. Ye Weiwei smashed the computer and logged into QQ. Soon Lu Baiyang edited the basketball video.

Ye Weiwei breathed a sigh of relief, "Teacher, now you believe that I really made the video."

Seeing the situation change, Gu Yiyi apologized and said it was a misunderstanding.

The head teacher also smoothed things over.

Ye Weiwei lamented: "Previously, classmate Gu Yiyi said that you, the head teacher, asked me to edit the video. I stayed up late studying editing and made the video as fast as possible. How could I lie?"

The head teacher is not a policeman, let alone a detective. Regarding this matter, the head teacher chose to keep things quiet.

Ye Weiyi felt uncomfortable, but he didn't hold on.

 For her, Gu Yiyi is not someone worth spending too much time on.

 As long as her bottom line is not touched, she can tolerate anything!


 In self-study class.

The academic top students in the front row quietly work on the questions, such as Shen Nianan.

The scumbags in the back row lower their voices and talk about everything, such as Lu Baiyang.

 There are also some people who are neither noisy nor fussy, but don’t want to read.

Ye Weiwei was doing the questions. Yu Anran stared at her for a long time and suddenly said: "Your ears are very red."

"Huh?" Ye Weiwei subconsciously reached out and touched his ear, "Yes, it hurts a little."

It’s not that it’s red, but the right ear where I’m wearing the ear clip hurts a little.

“It’s because I’ve worn the ear clips for a long time.” Yu Anran revealed the truth with one sentence.

 Rubbing his fingers on his ears a few times, Ye Wei took off the earrings.

 Although earrings are convenient, they are still a bit uncomfortable to wear for a long time, but she just can't bear to part with them.

Naturally he put down the pen in his hand, and Ye Weiwei pinched his ear clip and looked at it for a long time.

She was thinking about something, and before she knew it, the bell rang for the end of get out of class.

 She opened the class schedule and saw, "It's a physical education class."

 It’s physical education class, so I just put the earrings back into the box.

The original box was still in the bedroom containing the round earrings. She specially bought a new box at the jewelry store to hold her own earrings. It can be said that she stored these small things very well.

 Ye Weiwei put the box on the table and left the classroom with Yu Anran.

Gu Yiyi, who had witnessed all Ye Weiwei's movements, stood up when she saw people leaving the classroom.

 The only place at night is along the aisle.

Gu Yiyi walked past Ye Yiyi's table, stopped there for a while, and left calmly.

   Thanks to "Wish to have you, 137^50, Hongling" and other cuties for their rewards~



 (End of this chapter)

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