My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 227: It hurts more than bleeding

Chapter 227 It hurts more than bleeding

Ye Xichen didn’t need to cross-examine too much. She just stared at Ye Weiyi expressionlessly, and she had to explain herself.

“Someone at school went against me and threw the earrings you gave me into the pool. When I went down to pick them up, I accidentally scratched my foot... But it wasn’t serious at all, really!”

“Then, maybe I didn’t change clothes in time, which caused me to catch a cold and fever... But it really started yesterday, and I took cold medicine, really!”

Each time a "crime" is confessed, it must be emphasized, but there is no possibility of redemption.

Ye Xichen caught her injured this time. She was really...

At the moment, my mood is too complicated to be strict.

"It seems that you really didn't take anything I said to you to heart."

 Listening to Ye Xichen's lesson, Ye Weiwei lowered his head.

 “I have asked you for two days of leave. These two days...”

The word "asking for leave" is simply great news for a miserable high school student. Ye Weiwei is looking forward to Ye Xichen saying something like "You should have a good rest these two days."

  However, things went counterproductive.

I heard Ye Xichen calmly give an order: "In these two days, write a 10,000-word review."

“Ten thousand words?” Eyes blinking rapidly, lips pursed into a line, Ye Weiwei pouted and said, “How can you write so many words in a review!”

“Simple, if you write a review of 1,000 words, copy the 1,000 words ten times.”

Ye Weiwei's expression froze, his eyes full of hope, "Brother, your hand will be very painful..."

 “It hurts more than bleeding?”

“…” Ye Weiwei immediately put away his troubled expression and answered quickly with a correct attitude: “I promise it will be completed within two days!”

 Just kidding, based on her understanding of Ye Xichen, if she had one more sentence to defend herself, the number of words would definitely double!


 The squad leader asked for leave because of a cold and fever, and rumors spread in the class.

“The squad leader has been so pitiful recently. First he injured his foot, and then he had a high fever in the middle of the night. Alas.”

"I heard that the squad leader fell into the pool that day, and it seemed that Gu Yiyi was right next to him. The two of them have always been at odds. Maybe it was Gu Yiyi who pushed him in!"

At that time, not many people saw the real process, but as long as one person started spreading the news, others would make up a lot of ideas.

Gu Yiyi’s reputation was in disrepute.

 She did not handle the matters assigned by the teacher well, and her relationship with her classmates was also strained. She was not having an easy life now.

Su Yichen and Lu Baiyang, who knew the truth that day, kept silent about the incident.

Boys’ dormitory.

Su Yichen took the initiative to find Lu Baiyang and said, "Help me."

 “What’s going on?”

 “Call Qiao Lian and ask her what’s going on.”

“Did I hear you right? You asked me to call Monitor Qiao? You care about her...then you can call her yourself.”

Su Yichen frowned and said, "It's inconvenient."

“What’s the inconvenience? Brother Su, you like Qiao Lian, right?” Lu Baiyang loves to watch the excitement.

 “Inconvenience is inconvenience, don’t talk about what you have or don’t have.”

Su Yichen never acknowledged his special treatment of Ye Weiyi. Lu Baiyang called him boring, but he still called Ye Weiyi in good conscience.

“Squad leader Qiao, I heard that you are sick, how is your situation?” Lu Baiyang deliberately turned on the speakerphone.

 The only voice in the night came clearly from the mobile phone, "Thank you, I'm feeling much better."

“Squad leader Qiao, where is your home? Some of our classmates are worried about you and want to see you.” Lu Baiyang said loudly on purpose.

Lu Baiyang was still waiting for Ye Weiwei's response, but a man's voice came from the phone.

 “What are you talking about? Have you finished writing the review?”

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 (End of this chapter)

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