My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 232: I'm his girlfriend

Chapter 232 I am his girlfriend

 Taking advantage of the weekend, Ye Weiyi couldn't wait to call Ye Xichen. The phone rang for a long time and no one answered.

 After a minute, Ye Weiyi couldn't help but call again, but a woman's voice answered the phone.


Ye Weiwei almost hung up.

She wondered if she had dialed the wrong number. It was a woman's voice that answered Ye Xichen's phone?

However, dialing the wrong number obviously won’t happen.

 All the expectant expressions on his face disappeared, and the unknown emotions flashed through his eyes.

In fact, Ye Weiwei not only did not hang up, but also held the phone tightly and asked: "Who are you?"

 “I am Ye Xichen’s classmate.”

When the woman on the other end revealed her identity, Ye Weiwei squinted his eyes, took a deep breath, and asked politely, "Hello, I'm looking for the owner of the phone. Is it inconvenient for him to answer the phone?"

"His mobile phone was left in the office. I will go find him later. I just saw you calling twice, so I answered it because I was afraid of something urgent. I'm sorry." After explaining, the female classmate hesitated and said, "I'm sorry. Ask, what is your relationship?”

 As soon as you come, ask about the relationship?

"I am..." Ye Weiwei frowned and suddenly changed his words at the corner of his mouth, "I am his girlfriend!"

As soon as these words were spoken, both parties fell silent at the same time.

Ye Youwei pursed her lips and didn't explain.

In the end, the other party had nothing to say: "Ye Xichen is not here right now. You can contact him later."

With this sentence, the other party will hang up first.

Ye was the only one who spoke up. It seemed that she was right, he was another person who coveted his brother.

That female classmate asked about the relationship when she first came up. She must have evil intentions. She wouldn't be so stupid!

 Actually, what she didn't know was that Ye Xichen's contact note said "only". When most people see these two words, the first thing that comes to mind is not the name of a certain person, but the meaning of the word.

 Ye Weiwei deliberately added an identity to himself, but unintentionally discouraged others.

Ye Weiwei put away her phone and muttered to herself, "Why do you leave your phone in the office on weekends? It's really strange."

Shaking her head to get rid of her doubts, she decided to wait for Ye Xichen to call back.

 Because she is going out to a night bar right now.

 Although we cannot practice every night now, it is essential to study with the senior brother every weekend.

Ye Weiwei collected his coin purse and keys and was about to go out when he found that Shen Nian'an was also dressed and came down from the upper bunk.

“Hey, An’an, do you want to go out too?”

“Yes, I found a part-time job on the weekends.”

The two of them went out together and chatted on the road.

Ye Weiwei had many doubts, "Part-time job? But you are underage, what are you doing?"

“I’m helping out at a milk tea shop. Although I’m underage, I’m over 16 and can do some part-time work.” Shen Nian’an explained.

 In fact, Ye Youwei saw that she still had the book on her body and felt a little pity, "Wouldn't that be a waste of a lot of your reading time?"

Shen Nian'an waved his hands helplessly, "I can't help it. I have a younger brother at home. My parents think I spent money wasting money buying those materials, so I can only rely on myself."

Not all families are willing to sell money to support their children’s education. Shen Nian’an’s family is relatively poor, and Ye Weiyi remembers that last time he took out his subsistence allowance certificate and applied for a “subsidy for poor students”.

Ye Weiwei encouraged her with a smile, "You are great! I believe you can become a very powerful person in the future and enjoy life by reading books every day."

"hope so."

 Shen Nian'an thanked her for her encouragement, but he didn't expect that Ye Weiwei would hit the right note!

I have a stomachache today on Chinese Valentine's Day. I feel super uncomfortable. The update is half an hour late. I'm sorry.

Question 5: When Ye Weiwei was a child, when his parents had an accident, how did he contact Ye Xichen?

[Key points: For details, see the spring activity post pinned to the top of the book review area]

Q&A with prizes: The first reader to answer correctly will be rewarded with 200 book coins, and one reader will be drawn from all subsequent readers with correct answers to be awarded 100 book coins. Answers need to be posted again in the book review area, otherwise they will be invalid.

                                                              Can you choose physical gifts (bracelets, dreamcatchers, soft girl cups, dolls) by mail on the 520th floor of the tipping building?



 (End of this chapter)

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