My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 238: Mrs. Qiao is here to find her granddaughter

Chapter 238 Mrs. Qiao is here to find her granddaughter

 “Mrs. Qiao, I have found her!”

 “Really? Did you really find the child?”

"Nine times out of ten. I met her at Yejia. The child's name was Mo'er, but now her surname is Ye." The person who spoke was the young man who met Li Moer outside Yejia's villa not long ago. —Pei Yichen.

Standing in front of him was a graceful old lady, about fifty or sixty years old.

The old lady repeated those key words in her mouth, looking a little excited, "My name is Mo'er... my surname is Ye... she should be my granddaughter."

Pei Yichen said: "The owner of the Ye family, Ye Hantian, was a good friend of your son back then. According to the investigation, after your son's accident, his only daughter was adopted by the Ye family. The Ye family now has a son and a daughter, and the daughter was adopted."

The old lady pulled Pei Yichen anxiously and said in a anxious tone, "I want to see her. Please take me to see her quickly."

Pei Yichen made no move, but considered seriously, "Mrs. Qiao, with all due respect, Miss Mo'er has never seen you. I'm afraid it's not appropriate for you to go rashly now."

 The old lady's hand was instantly released. Thinking of the reality, she sighed deeply.

 “Yes, you are right, I need to think about it carefully.”

The old lady is holding a pocket watch in her hand. On the back of the pocket watch, you can vaguely see a slightly blurry picture, like a young woman with a child standing next to her.

 The old lady looked at the pocket watch in her hand with a nostalgic look in her eyes.

“My son died early, and now I only have my only daughter left behind, and she went to live with someone else.” As the old lady spoke, there were some tears in her eyes.

The picture on the pocket watch was a photo of her and her son when she was young. However, due to the breakdown of her marriage, her son followed his father.

 She missed everything when she grew up and started a family. Now she wants to find it, but she only has one granddaughter left.

She met her granddaughter on the day she was born. At that time, she only heard them call her by her nickname, "Baby Qiao." Now that she thought about it, she didn't even know her granddaughter's name.

 The old lady regretted extremely, she knew that she was simply an incompetent grandma!

 Now the granddaughter lives in the Ye family, that famous family, and should live a high-class life.

Although her life is good now, if she rushes to recognize her relatives, I am afraid her granddaughter will not be happy to accept her...

"You have to think about this matter carefully." The old lady thought about it and calmed down a little.

She asked: "Which school is the child studying in now?"

Pei Yichen replied: "It is the first aristocratic college in this city, 'Xingyao' College."

The old lady nodded, with a kind smile on her face, "Check my recent itinerary and make some time. I still want to see the child, even if we don't know each other now."

“According to Madam’s schedule, I will be available on Friday afternoon two days later.”

  Two days later

A yellow taxi drove into the gate of Xingyao Academy, and Ye Weiwei walked out of it carrying a shell schoolbag.

 She was holding up her mobile phone to send a message to Gong Qianli.

“Liu Li, I’m already at the school gate. When will you come out?”

 “You haven’t finished the test questions yet?”

 The weekend is the birthday of an elder in Gong Qianli's family, so the two of them made an appointment to go shopping on Friday afternoon, which is this afternoon, to choose gifts.

Gong Qianli was unlucky. When her math teacher asked her a question, she had to hand it over to the teacher in person before leaving.

 I can’t even get out now…

“It’s okay, I’ll just wait for you outside for a while.”

Let’s guess the plot in the follow-up~



 (End of this chapter)

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