My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 241: I have liked Brother Chen for a long time

Chapter 241 I have liked Brother Chen for a long time

Pei Yichen and Mrs. Qiao pointed to Li Mo'er's position, "Madam, look, she is a shorter girl with a single ponytail."

Ye Youwei plugged in his headphones and listened to music. When he looked up, he found Mrs. Qiao and Pei Yichen standing by the rest pavilion without moving.

 She also stood up.

 Mrs. Qiao’s granddaughter is here?

  She was curious about who the kind old woman’s granddaughter was.

Coincidentally, at this moment, a person suddenly came out from behind and tapped her on the shoulder, "Youyi, I'm out!"

 I know the person by hearing the sound, it’s Gong Qianli!

Ye Weiwei turned his head, and the two girls who were very close to each other hugged each other warmly.

“Liuli, you finally came out.”

“Ouch, that teacher had to rush for an appointment, so he sent us away. Actually, there is one question I can’t solve!” Gong Qianli sighed repeatedly as she spoke.

 It is said that their math teacher had a quarrel with his girlfriend. He liked to give them difficult questions when he was in a bad mood and was not allowed to leave until he finished.

 They were unlucky to have crashed into the last class and were kept for so long.

 “I’m so pitiful. I’ll give you a hug and comfort you.”

 “My family is the best.”

 The two of them have been like sisters since they were little, but now it takes a week to see each other, so naturally they miss them very much.

Ye Weiwei looked back a few times and found that Mrs. Qiao and Pei Yichen had already left.

Gong Qianli knocked her on the head, "What are you looking at?"

“It’s okay, let’s go shopping.”

 “Come on, let’s go, I’m treating you to your favorite meal today!”

The two held hands and planned to walk directly.


 The text message has arrived.

 Ye Weiwei opened it and found that he had received a multimedia message.

The MMS contained several photos of a man and a woman walking side by side, with Ye Xichen on the side, and the caption: Your boyfriend seems to have a new love.

Ye Ziwei was dumbfounded the moment she received those photos!

 Her boyfriend? Ye Xichen? Have a new love?

Ye Weiyi looked over the photo several times, and finally discovered that the girl next to Ye Xichen seemed to be Xu Tangxi!

“Liu Li, tell me, if my brother is so good, what kind of girl would he like?”

“Of course excellent people also like excellent people, just like you, the only one, hehehe.” Gong Qianli’s answer was quite face-saving.

Ye Weiwei covered her mouth and laughed.

 She is not good enough.

 She is studying hard now. She must pay close attention to her studies, fighting, and music!

 Looking at Xu Tangxi's figure in the photo, she was also very...envious.

Gong Qianli noticed that the person next to her was walking and stopped in a daze. She stretched out her hand and pulled him, "What are you looking at? You are so stupid. Look at the road!"

“Someone sent me a multimedia message saying that Brother Chen has a new love.”

 “What’s going on? Show me.”

As soon as Gong Qianli stretched out her hand, Ye Weiwei handed the phone to her without any reservation.

 As for why you are so candid?

 Of course it’s because Ye is the only one who knows who the person who sent the photo is.

Last time she deceived the girl who picked up Ye Xichen's cell phone. Only that girl would believe her and think she was Ye Xichen's girlfriend.

 So this photo was sent intentionally to disgust her.

Gong Qianli recognized the identity at a glance, "This is Xu Tangxi..."

 “Hey, do you know him too?”

“I know her. I met her several times when I played with Nangong Luo. She is interested in Brother Chen.”

“You said she likes Brother Chen?”

Gong Qianli asked back: "That's right, don't you know? She has liked Brother Chen for a long time!"

What skills would you like Xiao Lingdang to learn? Any suggestions?



 (End of this chapter)

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