My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 244: Love at first sight, love again

Chapter 244 Love at first sight, love again

Gong Qianli’s hands hit the bookshelf and her feet slipped, and she fell backwards. Someone supported her waist.

  A male voice came from above, "Are you okay?"

"No, it's okay!" Gong Qianli quickly broke away from the man's hand and thanked her smoothly, "Thank you."

Ye Weiwei put down the book and held Gong Qianli firmly, "Liuli, be careful."

The boy looked directly at Gong Qianli and replied: "You're welcome."

As soon as the boy opened his mouth, Ye Weiwei looked up and recognized his identity, "Hey, it's classmate Meng Ze."

Meng Ze pushed up his glasses and nodded in greeting, "Squad Leader Qiao, what a coincidence."

"You two know each other?" Gong Qianli's fingers lingered on the two of them and she chuckled.

Ye Weiwei explained: "Yes, Meng Ze is the top student in our freshman year of high school, number one in the school!"

 For students, you may not know who is second or third in grade, but names like first are often mentioned by teachers.

Although they are not in the same class, Ye Weiwei, as the "senior" of the class, will occasionally come into contact with these top students, especially in the teacher's office where they often meet.

 I don’t know him very well, but I will say hello when I meet him.

“Meng Ze, thank you so much.” Because Ye Weiwei knew both of them, she also thanked her again on Gong Qianli’s behalf.


Meng Ze's eyes turned to Gong Qianli and said to Ye Weiwei: "This classmate looks familiar. Wouldn't class leader Qiao introduce me to him?"

“Ha, this is my friend Gong Qianli, who is still in the third grade of junior high school.”

 “Gong Qianli?” Meng Ze repeated the name softly.

 The two of them looked a little strange when they saw him.

 Meng Ze suddenly showed kindness to Gong Qianli, "Mr. Gong, did you go to Maple Leaf Elementary School when you were a child?"

Gong Qianli's eyes lit up, "Hey! Yes, how do you know?"

Gong Qianli's parents were still around when she was a child, so they sent her to an ordinary elementary school. Later, when she was in junior high school, her parents went abroad to do scientific research, so they sent her to a junior high school in an aristocratic college that was excellent in all aspects.

“Do you still remember Meng Ze who was at the same table with you for three years, in the same class as you for four years, and in the same school as you for five years?”

Gong Qianli frowned and scratched her head. Suddenly her pupils dilated and she said in surprise, "I remembered that I had a classmate named Meng Ze in elementary school. He was a top student! He skipped a grade later, right?"

Meng Ze's eyes flashed with the moonlight, and his gold-rimmed glasses looked a bit elegant, "Well, if you think about it, I am very lucky."

Meng Ze grew up slowly, and he and Gong Qianli shared the same table for three years. However, the boys grew taller than the girls, so they switched places.

Because of his good academic performance, his parents asked him to skip the fifth grade directly, so he and Gong Qianli were only classmates for four years.

But these five years were enough to impress him!

 When she was a child, Gong Qianli always dreamed of being a heroic heroine. At that time, Meng Ze thought she was a very interesting classmate and partner.

 When Meng Ze grew up, he accidentally saw Gong Qianli teaching a lesson to thieves who stole things on the road, and taught a lesson to the **** who did not respect their elders. Only then did he realize that Gong Qianli lived such a colorful life.

It seems that she is really colorful and dazzling.

 Originally I admired them, but in adolescence, I always liked people who were ignorant of emotions a little more.

 He always remembered Gong Qianli and liked her more and more.

We met by chance in the book city just now, and we both came to the high school information area.

He took action in time to save Gong Qianli. Meng Ze felt that he should appear and let Gong Qianli get to know him again!

Liuli’s relationship is a bit ups and downs. You can’t guess who will fall in love with her.



 (End of this chapter)

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