My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 246: My ears are red and my hands are soft

Chapter 246: My ears are red and my hands are soft

"Alas..." Mrs. Qiao looked at the long queue at the roast duck restaurant and sighed deeply.

Mrs. Qiao walked out of the waiting area, but the last seat was also occupied.

Ye Weiwei happened to look up at Gong Qianli who was queuing up, and met Mrs. Qiao's eyes unexpectedly.

“Grandma!” Ye Weiyi shouted in surprise.

Mrs. Qiao was also overjoyed, "Little girl? We are really destined."

 The only person who saw Mrs. Qiao standing alone that night asked casually: "Are you here to buy something?"

Mrs. Qiao pointed in the direction of Pei Yichen, "My assistant is waiting in a long queue over there."

 “Then come and sit.”

“No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Even though I’m old, I’m still strong.”

"It's okay, you can sit down." Ye Weiyi stood up on his own initiative and insisted on giving up his seat.

Mrs. Qiao saw that she was enthusiastic and kind-hearted, so she no longer refused.

 “Are you waiting for someone here too?”

 “My friend is also queuing up to buy something there.”

“To be honest, when I see you, I think of my granddaughter and feel very close to you.”

"Really, I have never met my grandma, but I also think you are quite kind." Ye Weiwei thought that if her grandma were still alive, maybe she would look like this old man.


This grandma loves her granddaughter very much, but her grandma has never even appeared in her life.

“But I feel sorry for my granddaughter, and now I just want to make it up to her.”

For some reason, Mrs. Qiao felt that when she saw this little girl, she felt a desire to talk.

 Ye Youwei smiled slightly, "By the way, you said your granddaughter is also in the third grade of junior high school. Who is she?"

 “Her name is…”

Just when Mrs. Qiao was about to say her name, a shout from the side interrupted her.

 “Qiao Lian!”

 Familiar names, familiar voices.

The only person who looked back in the night was Shen Nianan, who was wearing a store uniform with "BJ Roast Duck" printed on it.

“An’an? So you are doing... work here?”


Ye Weiwei didn't expect that he would meet so many special people when he went out today. After talking to Shen Nian'an, he found out that Shen Nian'an had relatives working here. He was willing to help her because of her family situation and let her work part-time here on weekends. Earn money to buy books.

 After chatting for a few words, someone called Shen Nian'an's name. Shen Nian'an responded and asked Qiao Li, "Are you here to buy something?"

“Well, I came here with my friend, and my friend was lining up over there.”

 Looking at the team with more than a dozen people, Shen Nianan went in and let her go through the back door.

  When Shen Nian'an let her in and handed her the packaged roast duck, Ye Weiwei couldn't help but pay the money.

Gong Qianli was happy that she didn't have to queue, and she thanked Shen Nian'an enthusiastically, "Thank you. I heard that you are roommates with our little one...well, our little Qiao Lian. I hope you will take more care of her at school in the future."

 Two little girls of the same age have invisibly strengthened their friendship.

Ye Weiwei looked at Mrs. Qiao who was still sitting in the waiting area and begged Shen Nian'an to do another favor.

 Shen Nian'an made an OK gesture.

Ye Weiwei originally wanted to go and tell Mrs. Qiao herself.

Ye Xichen called suddenly.

Shen Nian'an handed the roast duck to Mrs. Qiao, "My friend named Qiao Lian asked me to give this to you, and I paid for it."

Ye Xichen's call was very simple, but Ye Weiwei couldn't care about other people anymore.

 He only said one sentence in his deep magnetic voice: "Little bell, wait for me at home."

Yeye Weiyi’s ears turned red and his hands became soft.

As the end of the month approaches, the sign-in post in the book review area will select people to send red envelopes again. Qibao people should be diligent in signing in and leaving messages~



 (End of this chapter)

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