My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 257: He won't come back

Chapter 257 He’s not coming back

"Meng Ze, I don't want to discuss these things with you." Shen Nian'an turned around and picked up the teapot.

"Gong Qianli, did you help me yesterday?" Meng Ze stretched out his hand to stop her.

Shen Nian'an frowned, obviously unhappy, and asked, "How do you know Gong Qianli?"

Meng Ze withdrew his hand coldly, "This matter has nothing to do with you."

Shen Nian'an narrowed his eyes and sighed deeply, "No matter what you do, don't involve my friend."

Meng Ze made sure that Gong Qianli was not there and turned around to leave.


The Shen family and Meng Ze were originally from scholarly families. They had a very good relationship with each other during their grandparents' generation, and they had arranged to get married when they were young.

Shen Nian'an is one year older than Meng Ze. Her elders always told her to take good care of her younger brother, who they also said was her future husband.

 Shen Nian'an has been taking great care of Meng Ze since he was a child, adhering to the responsibility of "sister" and "little fiancée", and also... excessive control.

As she grew older, Meng Ze regarded her as a sister, but she remembered the joking words of her elders and gradually developed a love for Meng Ze between men and women.

The Shen family declined, but the Meng family was still a scholarly family.

But Grandpa Meng Ze was an old-fashioned man and never regretted what he promised to his friends. He forced Meng Ze to take care of Shen Nian'an and kept instilling the idea of ​​getting engaged and getting married.

Meng Ze also tried to like Shen Nian'an, but Shen Nian'an became more and more addicted to books and became more and more boring.

At that time, he also met his elementary school classmate Gong Qianli again. One was boring and the other was enthusiastic and generous. They both appeared at the same time. Of course, it was Gong Qianli who left a bright color in his memory!

 Meng Ze confirmed that he could not like Shen Nian'an, so he asked Shen Nian'an to tell his grandfather to terminate the engagement.

 Shen Nian'an refused, and the Shen family refused.

 The relationship between the two collapsed.

 Meng Ze's feelings for Shen Nian'an gradually turned from gratitude to impatience and disgust.

But actually Meng Ze didn’t know that Shen Nian’an’s growing obsession with books was not just her hobby.

She hopes to use this to change her destiny, return the Shen family to its previous situation, fulfill the last wish of her elders, and at the same time have an identity that matches Meng Ze.

 However, there is another idiom in the world called - wishful thinking.

 Shen Nian'an returned to the dormitory at night.

Still couldn't help but pull Ye Weiwei aside and ask: "Have you and Gong Qianli met Meng Ze?"

 “I’ve seen it! I just saw it yesterday, what’s wrong?”

“Just out of curiosity, Meng Ze came to the store today to ask Gong Qianli.”

“Oh, I just found out that the two of them are classmates in elementary school, and they had dinner together yesterday.”

Ye Weiwei, who had no idea about the relationship between Shen Nian'an and Meng Ze, told everything truthfully.

 But these words were like a sharp sword thrust into Shen Nian'an's heart.

 Meng Ze is not the kind of enthusiastic person, so why is he so... concerned about a primary school classmate?

“You are saying that the relationship between Meng Ze and Gong Qianli is not bad..."


Before he could finish the last word, Ye Weiwei's cell phone rang.

 She gestured to Shen Nian'an, "Wait a minute, I'll answer the phone."

 “Hey, Brother Chen!”

Ye Youwei answered the phone happily, and the next second, a smile froze on his face.

 Because Ye Xichen said: "Xiao Ling Dang, I won't be back on New Year's Day."

Just when she was about to ask about the reason, Xu Tangxi's voice came from over there, "Ye Xichen, come here quickly, I'm waiting for you."

Ye Xichen responded and coaxed her softly on the phone, "Be good, I'll send you a gift when the time comes. If you have something else to do, hang up first."

 Hang up the phone, Ye Youyi's heart beats violently.

Do you think the "Iron Four" will be able to get together on New Year's Day?



 (End of this chapter)

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