My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 259: I went to find him and misunderstood him again.

Chapter 259: Going to find him, but another misunderstanding

 Ye Weiwei searched for air tickets to G city on the Internet, and kept hesitating.

 Finally, she sent a message to Gong Qianli, "Liuli, what are you going to do on New Year's Day?"

Gong Qianli replied instantly: "I went to play with Nangong Luo two days ago, and I went to cheer you on the next day!"

Ye Weiwei deleted the screenshot of the flight ticket he was about to send.

If she begs Gong Qianli, then Gong Qianli will most likely agree to accompany her to G city.

 But she can't be so selfish.

Gong Qianli, who still didn’t know Ye Weiwei’s inner plan, also encouraged her, “New Year’s Day is on Monday, and the holiday happens to start on Friday afternoon, so you can prepare well in the first two days.”

 Ye Weiwei did not agree directly.

 On the holiday day on Friday, she took a taxi to the airport alone and got on a plane to G city.

 In this city with developed transportation, it was very simple for her to find the University of Finance where Ye Xichen was studying.

Even the driver in the taxi was a bit nagging, "Little sister, you look like you are not a college student. School is on holiday. What are you doing at school?"

 “Looking for my brother.”

The driver sighed, "Your brother is really awesome. I heard that all the students in that school are talented people."

“Of course, my brother is super awesome!” When Ye Xichen praised Ye Xichen, Ye Weiwei felt particularly enthusiastic. “My brother has been awesome since he was a child. He is handsome, has good grades, and can do everything.”

 “Little girl, how can anyone be as perfect as you say?”

 “It’s true, my brother is that awesome!”

 One person actually got into an argument with each other.

 The taxi stopped outside the university, and Ye Weiwei waved goodbye to the driver's uncle.

 Ye Weiwei, who is 1.6 meters tall, will no longer be regarded as a primary school student even if she wears soft girl clothes.

 The campus is very large, and you can take the school bus not far from the school gate.

Although Ye Weiwei has never been here, she knows very well where Ye Xichen usually goes, because she mentioned it in previous chats.

Ye Weiwei followed the signs and asked for directions from time to time. She found Ye Xichen's dormitory.

She sent a message to Ye Xichen, not to tell him that she was coming, but to inquire about Ye Xichen's whereabouts.

 “In the academic lecture hall, make some materials.”

Ye Weiwei lowered his head to look at the map, not wanting to bump his arm into the oncoming person.


Ye's only mobile phone fell to the ground, and the pile of paper that the other person was holding was also scattered on the ground.


"Excuse me!"

 The two of them apologized at the same time. Ye Weiwei picked up the phone and hurriedly helped others pick up their things.

That boy is Ye Xichen’s teammate—Su Che.

Su Che saw that he bumped into a little girl and smiled heartily, "Thank you, sister."

Ye Weiwei responded with a kind smile and nodded.

Su Che carried the stack of papers and walked to the academic lecture hall.

Ye Weiwei checked the map to determine the direction of the academic lecture hall and headed there.

Su Che glanced back and found that the little girl was following behind, so he couldn't help but speed up.

Su Che thought in his heart: Could it be that something is going on?

Ye Weiwei followed him to the academic lecture hall and saw Su Che disappearing after entering.

She stood outside the window and looked inside, and at first sight she found the person she missed so much.

 He is always so dazzling!

Ye Weiwei was lying by the window with a sweet smile on his face. He was about to go in when he suddenly saw Xu Tangxi walking up to Ye Xichen and handing him a pink water glass.

Ye Xichen took the opportunity, opened the bottle cap and took a sip.

 The interaction between the two seemed to have been rehearsed many times.

  Ye Weiwei bit her lower lip hard, turned and left.

The plot of bumping into Su Che is also a foreshadowing. Can anyone guess the reason for the water glass now?



 (End of this chapter)

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