My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 269: Take advantage of others' danger

Chapter 269: Taking advantage of others’ danger

Ye Weiwei suddenly stopped crying, "Let's talk about... falling in love?"

"Everyone who grows up will fall in love, so will you fall in love?" Su Yichen handed out the roll of paper tied with a bow ribbon.

That was dropped on the ground when Ye Zili was in a hurry to leave just now.

Ye Weiwei clasped his hands tightly and didn't dare to take it.

She casually wiped her tears and stood up, pretending not to understand what it meant, "It's time to study in the evening, go back to school quickly."

Su Yichen retracted his hand as if he didn't care, and deliberately teased her, "Monitor, are you really dedicated to your work, and do you take care of your classmates outside?"

Ye Weiwei lowered his head and shook his head, and replied casually: "If you don't want to go back, you can continue to stay outside."

Su Yichen saw that she no longer shed tears and his brows relaxed.

 He took the lead and waved to Ye Youwei, "The squad leader has already spoken, of course I have to cooperate."

A taxi with a red light happened to pass by. Su Yichen reached out to stop it. After opening the door, he stood by the door and made a "please" gesture.

Ye Weiwei shook his head and refused.

Su Yichen stepped forward and pulled her in. He smiled and said, "Squad leader, if you don't leave, you'll be late."

Although she is 1.6 meters tall, she is still petite compared to boys who grow quickly.

 The only person in the night seemed to be stuffed into a car...

Su Yichen also sat next to her.

 Ye Weiwei was so nervous that he didn’t even know where to put his hands. He just moved slowly towards the left window.

Su Yichen could lean on the right side calmly and silently take in her little movements.

Su Yichen's heart: She is indeed very cute.



Gu Chengxi's medical skills are well-known in the medical community, but he always feels that sooner or later, his reputation will be defeated by Ye Xichen's!

Patients will cooperate well according to the doctor's instructions in order to treat their own conditions.

 But Ye Xichen is a life-threatening person!

Ye Xichen's fainting was something that was unexpected by everyone, but he and Gu Chengxi did not reveal a single word of the true situation to the outside world.

When Nangong Luo and the others asked, Gu Chengxi only said: "I drank too much."

I also learned from Xu Tangxi that Ye Xichen worked tirelessly to start his own business, drank one cup after another, and didn’t take his health seriously!

Even Gu Chengxi mocked him coldly, "Do you really think you are a robot and can be dismantled and rebuilt if the parts are broken?"


Wearing a white coat, gloves and a mask, Gu Chengxi looks like a typical doctor.

He expertly smashed the head of the potion bottle, inserted a thin needle into it to absorb the liquid, and gave Ye Xichen an injection.

 He deliberately slowed down the needle removal after the pricking to make Ye Xichen's skin sting. "If you want to die, just die as far away as possible. Don't come looking for me every time you get sick!"

Ye Xichen’s expression remained unchanged, “I won’t die.”

Gu Chengxi is as cold as the same, and he is still poisonous.

 “I do things with my own considerations.”

 “You should tell her the truth.”

"The truth? What truth?" Ye Xichen said in a hoarse voice, with a hint of sarcasm on his lips, "Tell her that it was the Ye family that caused the death of her parents, and even took advantage of the crisis to acquire the Qiao family, and then annexed it through adoption. assets?"

Gu Chengxi was speechless.

The two of them were arguing about something, but they didn't know that the man hiding outside the door with his hands tightly clasped his hands heard the last words clearly.

 “Oh my God…”

  Thanks to "Yanyan", "Xiaoxi" and "Liu Daodao" for the reward~

  guess who heard it: Gong Qianli? Nangong Luo? Xu Tangxi? Night only?



 (End of this chapter)

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