My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 273: Ye Xichen's inner monologue

Chapter 273 Ye Xichen’s inner monologue

“Cough cough cough.” Ye Xichen clenched his hands into fists and kept coughing by his mouth, his face was as pale as paper.

Pour the clear water into the white cup, open the medicine capsule with your slender white fingers, and pour the bitter particles into the boiling water, let it warm and drink it in one gulp.

The phone on the table flashed.

  He tapped lightly on the screen with his slender fingers, and a message was sent from Gu Chengxi.

“Don’t blame me for not reminding you that something happened to your little girl.”

It also comes with a connection.

Gu Chengxi was entrusted by Ye Xichen to keep an eye on Ye Weiyi, and this time he deliberately delayed time before telling Ye Xichen.

Because Gu Chengxi made accurate calculations, Ye Xichen had no idea about trivial matters such as who was popular and who was exploited on the Internet.

 Now, the little girl's matter is out of control, it's just right.


Ye Xichen coughed and felt pain in his heart, as if it was about to be torn apart.

 The temperature difference changes in winter. He works day and night and drinks alcohol, which puts a lot of load on his body.

He was supposed to be recuperating on New Year's Day, but he insisted on going back to watch Ye Youwei's game. Unexpectedly, all his persistence was rewarded with a cold shoulder from Ye Youwei.

 He is sick!

 Excessive emotions will cause illness, and the good quality of the body will be destroyed by his own hands, and he will eventually faint.

That day in the ward, Ye Weiwei happened to catch Xu Tangxi falling on him.

By some mistake, she didn't push Xu Tangxi away immediately because she wanted to see Ye's only choice and see if she would reveal another side of herself.

 But she didn't believe in him as before. At that moment, he suddenly didn't want to see Ye Weiwei grow up.

When Ye Weiwei slammed the door and left, he pushed Xu Tangxi away, and that was the scene where Nangong Luo saw Xu Tangxi sitting on the floor.

He held on to his sick body and chased him out, but was a step too late. In the end, he watched helplessly as Ye Weiwei entered the same car with another boy.

The entrepreneurial plan in G City has officially begun to be implemented. He can't stay away from it and can't wait to return to G City.

He is indeed not a robot. The parts cannot be reassembled after being dismantled, and the sudden cold caused him to suffer twice as much pain.

No matter how smart and capable a person is, he will become vulnerable when faced with the attack of a disease!

He knew that Ye Weiyi was working hard to make progress and forcing himself to grow up quickly because he wanted to find out the truth about the destruction of the Qiao family.

He had made perfect plans for his future, until Ye Weiwei learned that he had chosen a finance major and told him: "I will also choose a finance major like my brother in the future to make a lot of money. If I have money, I will have a lot of money." Potential…”

 You can find out your true intentions back then and find out all the enemies of the Qiao family.

This seems a bit...delusional for a little girl who is not yet underage?

Maybe others would laugh after hearing this, but Ye Xichen didn't dare to bet on whether Ye Weiwei would have such a day!

 So his plan was foiled.

 In the eyes of others, he is born noble.

 The identity of the heir to the Ye family is both an honor and a constraint for him.

He likes competitive games and the excitement of playing games, but he has to learn to restrain what he does from a young age. In the end, embarking on a business path is the best choice for the "Heir to the Ye Family"!

And he didn't want Ye Weiyi to choose a path he didn't like because of hatred.

What he has to do now is to make amends before Ye Yiyi knows the truth and return Ye Yiyi's new Qiao family!

 In the end, Ye Xichen replied to Gu Chengxi with a warning: "I will handle it, don't let her know."

Thanks to “I’m hard to coax” and “Gu Jiuyue is cool” for the tips~

Brother Chen is really affectionate and has been silently paying for Xiao Lingdang.

   Don’t rebel!

But, so many of you say you want to torture Brother Chen, will the Chinese Valentine's Day satisfy you? ? How many more pricks?



 (End of this chapter)

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